Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Bloggin to excess...

I think I am going to have to curb my blog surfing.  It seems to be getting in the way of the rest of my life.  I am behind on my daily Bible reading, but I know what is going on at the Shannon Oaks Church, I haven’t finished a novel since May, but I now have 39 blogs in my favorites. I forget to check the market daily (and it greatly impacts my job, interest rates and such) yet I check hourly to see what Mike Cope has written and who has responded to it.  I played “Subservient Chicken”, I want to go see “Anchorman”, I read everyone that is listed as someone the blogger reads.    I read of these lives, pray for their families, their hurts, their friends at other churches that are hurting, and think for the most part it has made my life richer and fuller.  Yet I am struggling getting on track with my Bible reading.  I am not really that far behind, just 5 or 6 days.  I am not talking about my Bible/religious studies.  I am reading Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy, studying Mike Cope’s Righteousness Inside Out with my Ladies Group and I am still working on John Eldridge’s Waking the Dead.  But our Church started this program “hooked on the word” this year.  We as a church committed to read the Bible through in one year.  I had completed this last year with my Bible CDs so wanted to do it a little differently this year.  I purchased the Daily NIV Chronological Bible and have been following it.  I have always wanted to read the prophets, Psalms, and such in the period in which they were happening.  It does open my eyes to what small glimpses of actual history we have in the OT.  But I do so hate getting behind, perhaps if I could read it on my computer screen….. but no, I have tried that too.  I just need discipline and I can do it. Maybe I will have to know less about what is going on in Blogdom for awhile. 

 Dear Lord, I am so encouraged by this family of believers I have found in this special way.  I pray that you will bless and encourage all of them as we are blessed and encouraged by each other.  I pray that you will not allow anything on this earth to keep us too occupied to be filled with your Spirit and to be about your business

I am right there with you. Suddenly I have 20 blogs to check everyday! WOW! But, I also have great men and women like you to encourage me!although I feel very blessed by this blog habit, I am mentally trying to curb my blog time.
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