Sunday, July 25, 2004
Lunch at Mom's
Today we went to Mom's for lunch. What a treat, fresh green beans, corn, fried squash, fried okra, fresh tomatoes, cucumbers and cantaloupe. Then she had barbecue and chocolate cake with home made ice cream !!!! I skipped those last three items and still left there stuffed. Someone posted earlier of memories of home. Fresh vegetables are it for me. You know I hated vegetables as a child. The only thing I would eat was tomatoes and fried okra. I would never have put a green bean in my mouth. What was I crazy???? Yes in many, many ways I was yet to learn what the truly the good things in life were. The amazing thing about this filling lunch is that most of the food had little or no WW points! Yes!
Last night we went to see Spiderman 2. Good movie, a little slow in places but good story, made you think about the whole "choices" in life thing. The scary thing is I got in my car to go to church this morning and there was the most intricate spider web around my gas pedal. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. I wonder which of my senses would be greatly enhanced if I were to become a super hero. I had lasik surgery so I now I see pretty well, I have always had an overdeveloped sense of hearing, truly heard a fly in distress from losing a wing, a glass of diet coke has awaken me from the noise of the fizz, scary stuff. My sense of smell is pretty strong too! Can't stand too many candles, most perfumes, etc. I obviously like to taste things or I wouldn't be counting the points if you know what I mean. That leaves what? Touch. I guess I do avoid this more than the other senses. I am not a real touchy, feely person, hugs are effort for me, unless it is immediate family. But how would you use an enhanced sense of touch as a super hero? I don't really know. Perhaps I will waddle down the stairs and ponder that point as I take my nap. It must be short, have a WWF meeting at 5:00 (no silly, Women Working in Faith). Later.
Last night we went to see Spiderman 2. Good movie, a little slow in places but good story, made you think about the whole "choices" in life thing. The scary thing is I got in my car to go to church this morning and there was the most intricate spider web around my gas pedal. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. I wonder which of my senses would be greatly enhanced if I were to become a super hero. I had lasik surgery so I now I see pretty well, I have always had an overdeveloped sense of hearing, truly heard a fly in distress from losing a wing, a glass of diet coke has awaken me from the noise of the fizz, scary stuff. My sense of smell is pretty strong too! Can't stand too many candles, most perfumes, etc. I obviously like to taste things or I wouldn't be counting the points if you know what I mean. That leaves what? Touch. I guess I do avoid this more than the other senses. I am not a real touchy, feely person, hugs are effort for me, unless it is immediate family. But how would you use an enhanced sense of touch as a super hero? I don't really know. Perhaps I will waddle down the stairs and ponder that point as I take my nap. It must be short, have a WWF meeting at 5:00 (no silly, Women Working in Faith). Later.