Saturday, July 17, 2004

Sunny Daze

When do we reach the age that we worry about “wasting” a sunny day?  I HAVE to go to a wedding shower today.  I really DON’T want to go.  But, God has blessed me with a cloudy day, so somehow it is not quite so bad. 
You know as children we never thought about sunny summer days, that is just what we expected.  But as an adult I think that I have to enjoy everyone of those sunny days to its fullest potential.  Especially the weekends, you must not waste these days.  I am sometimes even glad when it rains on Saturday or Sunday, because I can be lazy and read without feeling guilty for “wasting” the day.  I don’t know where this mind set comes from but it is deeply ingrained in my life.
Perhaps this longing for the light is a longing to be in the presence of God.  He IS the way, the truth and the light…. Perhaps, that is why we sing of heaven as the land of cloudless day.  Maybe it is just with the passing of time we know that we are not promised tomorrow and we want to enjoy the sun for today.  Whatever the reason, I thank God for sunny days, but today I will praise Him for this glorious cloudy day, since I must SHOWER!!!

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