Sunday, August 01, 2004

Super Saturday

Well, the worship service with Zoe in Birmingham left me elated. It was just as good if not better as I had built it up to be in my mind. What a blessing for a saturday afternoon! Perhaps I should have read Clarissa's post today about limiting my crying first; it was a wonderful emotional day. Terri and I met Brandon and reunited with Greg Miles, Jim Gregory, and others from Crossbridge. It was a great day.

Speaking of great, my son called me early yesterday and wanted me to come watch Matthew where he could do some errands and Mary could sleep. Seems Matthew was so happy to be home Friday night that he didn't want to waste any precious time with his eyes closed. It was my PLEASURE!! My grandson is so sweet. He loves for me to sing to him, even when it is total nonsense. There is a lot of total nonsense, because I don't remember words to all of those children's songs, no matter, mine are just as good. Mary got 2 or 3 hours of uninterrupted sleep and I got to spoil that baby just a little more.

God is good! Thank you Lord for this sweet baby. Thank you for his and his mother's health. Continue to bless him and keep him safe and healthy. May his Mimi help him to know You. May his life always be a blessing. You are such an awesome God! Let me show my love for you as you would have me to do.

Yes, gotta watch that crying. But I didn't really mean in a worship setting, just so's you'll know. You just do whatever must be done in that setting, and if worhipping the Lord moves you to tears (as it often does me), so be it. Glad you had a blessed time.
Clarissa, I really knew you weren't talking about worship, but I had just read your post and really wanted to try the "link" button. Also I had cried so much I had a splitting headache going home, so I thought it was a good time to link. But the time spent in the midst of God and His people was truly awesome, and yes Greg, I could have stayed another hour or two and totally enjoyed it. I was disappointed when it was over. GREAT DAY!!!
I agree about ZOE - the entire Thursday thru Saturday event (National Shepherding Conference) was great, but the worship Saturday afternoon was such a blessing of unity and spirit! ZOE is an incredible blessing to our entire brotherhood. I've been attending the Nashville Leadership / Worship conference for the last 7 to 8 years (however long it has been going...) - and I can't finish some of the songs even today, because of all the emotional impact rushing back to me from years ago. God has a unique way of making things fresh over and over.
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