Friday, August 20, 2004

What to do when I grow up?

Yesterday was one of those days that was so packed to remember it causes me a headache. My daughter was having a minor one day surgery, but I had to have her there at 10:30. I got up early and came to work and got as much done as I could. I knew she would need me to drive her home so I wasn't sure I would make it back. I had four closings to get ready for and several files to get out to the underwriters. Of course we were at the hospital for about four hours and I must ask you, how do people survive these kind of waits without reading? I was having a great time with a great book. But alas, my husband and daughter were not, so I had to put my book down and try and entertain. My daughter is such an easy target, she thinks I am funny, which of course makes her one of my favorite people. I had her laughing till tears ran down her face, just telling about the constant noises a man was making at a board meeting I attended this week (chomping ice, squeaking a pen). She thought what was funny was my reaction to him, go figure, I was truly annoyed. Well I got her home and stayed with her until her husband got there and then came back to work around 4:00.

I cleaned up some disasters and then started working to add to my scavenger hunt, to present it to our ladies at our Goofy Gals Game Night we were having. Then I had to run to the grocery store and get food for said GGG night and get to the church building to set up. While at the grocery store I noticed a man standing outside the store that had long hair in a pony tail. Noticed might be too strong a word, I walked past him; then I realized, I didn't look at him... I didn't want to, but Jesus would have. Then I realized I hadn't really looked at anybody when I was in the grocery store.... I DON'T LIKE PEOPLE!! This thought really scared me about myself. What is wrong with me, am I so self absorbed running off to do my "church" activity that I can't even see people? Evidently. In the midst of all my activity last night, I came to a conclusion, I am way too busy being busy! And I AM going to change. What I am doing is not serving in the way I want to serve. I will complete my term as head of this WWF or Ladies night out and then I will find a better way to serve, to serve more one on one. I have lost my love for people, for everyday ordinary people. I run around trying to find service projects for us to do as a group and I walk right by people!! What am I doing???

Well, back to my night before my epiphany. As part of our service project for the night we were fixing goody baskets to take to the local police and sheriff's departments. We went to deliver those around 7:15. Do you know that there are not many people at the police station at this time of night? As a matter of fact they are locked up tighter than a drum. The only way to see a real policeman was to go the jail.... so we did. While there they gave us the combination to the lock on the other building where we could take our goodies and leave them in the break room. Well, we kinda of pretended we were Charlies Angel's or something as we crept into the building and up the stairs. The scary part is we didn't see anyone while there. When we left there we went to the county jail. Now the part where we were had monitors of the actual jail part. This was the saddest thing I have ever seen. I always thought I wanted to be a private eye or something when I grow up, but I don't want to see this kind of thing. Creeping up those stairs and pretending was great fun. Seeing the aftermath of crime and criminals was truly an eye-opening experience.

The best part of the night was my son called and told me to come by and see them before I went home. I want to go all the time but it is so special when he ask me to come. I got to hold and change my baby before going home to watch some more AMERICAN GOLD MEDALS being won!!!! I am pretty sure I was doing gymnastics in my sleep because I woke myself up throwing my arm up!

The good, the bad, the silly, the sad.... Such are the days of our lives.

Okay, after attempting to follow all that I'm utterly exhausted. I hope there's some rest for you over the weekend!
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