Sunday, September 12, 2004

Humble Yourselves in the sight of the Lord

Today in Bible study we were talking about humilty. There were twelve ways to humble yourself presented. Of course we only got to #2.

#1 Routinely confess your sins to God
#2 Acknowledge your sin to others.

Question for you. Do you believe that you have to be specific with others about your sins? Can you just tell them you have struggles and that you need their prayers without going into detail? Is it pride that keeps us from 'fessing up to the real burdens in our lives? How do you develop enough trust in someone to confess things that you think will appall them?

My answers will be posted later. But I really want to know what you think.

I don't believe that you should confess EVERYTHING to all of your friends or even you spouse. I do believe in accountability relationships which develop over time with a person who love you enough to hurt your feelings. It is difficult to admit some of the things that go on in my brain but if I don't, they just stay there. Good post. God Bless
I think it is important to have at LEAST one person that you have a level of intimacy with that allows you to be able to confess ANY specific struggle. It has to be someone that you know will be honest with you, but also love you unconditionally. Of course the Lord is ALWAYS there to hear your confessions!

I think you have hit on a VERY important topic. I don't think we are a very humble people. When you come to the realization that one of the things the Lord hates is PRIDE, it scares me to death. We need to see our weaknesses and confess them. I know I need to!
A toughie, to be sure. But there comes a point of diminishing return when revealing things to others. I think it is important to share our struggles with others and demand accountability and also to repair relationships damaged by these struggles. But perhaps when we go too far with details we merely sensationalize the matter and forever taint future opportunities to bond. I am usually pretty open with people, but I have seen situations where someone may reveal something to another and because of regret or embarrassment the relationship may cool. I have also seen the reaction to revelation be shock or distance when one party may feel ill equipped to deal with the situation. In the final analysis, the cool thing is that we have an intercessor who presents our case- warts and all- to the Wisdom of the Ages and He just says, "Trust me and we'll get through this. In a vapor and a half you won't even remember this conversation and rest assured in much less time than that- neither will I."
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