Thursday, October 07, 2004

Spinning Church...

O.K. My analogy (to the spinning post below) has to do with church. Obedient worship can be achieved without you actually “feeling good” about it. You can assemble, sing, pray, give, partake of the Lord’s Supper, hear a lesson (the only optional part) and go home knowing you have “done what you are supposed to do”. The people that say this is all you really HAVE to do are right. Just like I can work up a sweat and get a good work out without enjoying it…………….OR, we can participate in worship, we can stand up, lift our hands, close our eyes, shout and turn if we feel the Spirit move us. We can participate by reading scripture together. We can share the ways God has made a difference in our lives. Just like my “fun” spin instructor, then we will want to come back, we will be pumped when we leave AND we will ask others to come with us. If all we do is break a sweat, who are we going to tell???

I know alot of you are already there, you are having the kind of worship every week that I am talking about. I am afraid sometimes we are still just "breaking a sweat". God can change things and I must be careful to not be so impatient for change that I miss the reason I am there in the first place. If I can keep my heart and my attitude in line, the rest will take care of itself. But if you are "there", pray for those of us who are not. We WANT to be!

That's a good analogy, but I'm stinking w/ Mr. Poodle and Ms. Hound.
I really think Mae meant sticking..but I can see how the poodle and the hound could stink.
YES great analogy. We're not "there" either. Our worship minister was a ZOE though...our unpaid, over worked, tries his best every week despite his other 50 hour a week worship leader! I see starts and I am hopeful. Who wants to sweat when you could be GLOWING!?
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