Monday, October 04, 2004

Zoe Weekend

What can I say about the Zoe Conference? It was my first year and I was blown out of the water. Truly the singing/worship time was a taste of heaven. To be in a room of 1100 people who love the Lord and love to sing to Him is awe inspiring and so moving. When my spirit soared in my chest it cut off my ability to sing, I was breathless, but I was also listening. Thank you God! Thank you for allowing me to go, for allowing me to sing and giving me the gift of hearing! Jeff spoke of life altering events. This conference will be that for me!

I have been to many financial type conferences/meetings in my career and I noted one other huge difference. Everyone talked to everyone. No one looked down their nose at you like “why are you talking to me?” The spirit of love in that assembly could not contain itself. It spread to all that were there and everyone had to leave there touched in some way.

It was great to meet several of my fellow bloggers as well as hooking up with some we had already met. Thanks to Greg Miles and Khris Robinson for letting us be part of their group for awhile. It was a pleasure to meet Clarissa and her family, it seems like I have always known her. Skip was not what I expected but a delight and he introduced us to Judy Thomas. She was glowing in the success of her family and a very gracious lady. We met Matt Elliott and the future “lawn king”. Clarissa introduced us to Tim Castle and we spotted Ryan Porche on our first night there. We met Brandon again but boy was he busy, yet he always took time to speak to everyone. One of the great surprises was meeting Diane Cope. Every sweet kind word spoken of her rang true even in so short a meeting. It was her first Zoe Conference as well. We looked for Ed all weekend to no avail but met several other people we did not know before and everyone immediately felt like family. This is truly what it feels like to be “brothers and sisters” in Christ.

I would be remiss not to mention the Sunday Worship at Otter Creek. I felt like I had entered a place of true worship and true worshippers. The service was designed to uplift and encourage and praise our God for all He has done. I can see their need for a new building, but there was such warmth and character in this place I can see why some would resist.

Praise God! It was all together a great weekend. I don’t know about you, but I will be one of the first people to sign up next year. I wish you could have all been there in person, but I know you were there with us in spirit. Praise God!

Sorry I missed you. It was a great weekend to reconnect with God and old friends that I wonder if meeting the entire blog community might have been a sensory overload.
If I could, I would make these words green! Green with envy! BUT I am so glad that you all had such a great experience. Next year I truly hope to be there with you. Diane is truly the sweetest person, isn't she? Very real and soulful. And Mrs. Judy! You met some of my all time favorite people. Glad to know all was great, I had no doubt that it would be!
Great to meet you, Donna! Sorry we didn't get a photo. :-) Hope you're rested up. I'm still sleepy, frankly.
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