Friday, November 19, 2004

November 19

Yup, its my birthday. Somehow it is not nearly as exciting as it was 30 years ago to be one of the first in my class to turn 16. Somehow being the first to reach the back side of 40 is not nearly as exciting.

I have already had a great birthday. I told you about our girls birthday dinner last week. Yesterday my office had cake and ice crream and balloons for me. We have this really lame candle that I bought for someones birthday last year. It plays "happy birthday" when you twist it. It has become an office tradition to be tortured with the "candle". One of my co-workers is also my X-sister in law. She bought me a beautiful frame and gave me the sweetest card. It is great when families break up that you can sometimes still have close relationships with your X's.

Last night my great friend TL took me out to eat for my birthday. We had a wonderful time as always. She cracks me up by telling me what an awful person she has been that day as she gets into the car. Now let me ask you, do awful people take me out to eat on my birthday? I didn't think so.

Today I have the day off! My parents have already called to sing happy birthday to me. My brother called me last night while I was out with Terri. My daughter has been by this morning and brought me roses and some much needed house shoes. My son has called and offered to let me keep my sweet grandson, and its only 9:40!! David is cooking for me tomorrow when all the kids can come over and my Mother is fixing me chicken dumplins on Sunday. Wow! I may just go ahead and have some more of these birthdays!!

Hope you all have a wonderful day as well and a great weekend!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DJG! Wow so many blog birthdays of late! I have to say you look great for 46. (from the picture the other day) or for any age at that. Must be all that tennis.
Why do Chicken n dumplin's and Sundays just sound so good together? :)
Happy belated birthday! Man, I go out of town for 4 days and miss so much! I hope it was indeed wonderful, definitely sounds like a blessed event and day!

Sorry 'bout the Tide, though I can't root for them b/c of my UT roots, it still hurts to see so many people so disapointed. Too bad for Jr. too, so close, yet so far away. Good thing racing starts again in a couple of months, huh?! :)
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