Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Work in progress

First I must apologize. Yesterday was a lot of tongue in cheek but I guess that doesn’t translate too well on a blog. I really don’t liked to be awakened by the phone, but it was not a big deal. I think I just wanted to show a side of the real me. Not this person I sometimes think I paint on this blog. Those of you who know me know that I am just a struggler; hoping to get through each day without making a mess of things. But for some reason I still don’t want you to think bad of me.

In other news, do you ever have one of those defining moments? You know, when you realized that the Spirit is finally working in your life where you have been having trouble. I had one of those when watching the news last night. I was watching a group of people in a bad situation, brought on by hate and violence and then suddenly I saw the people as individuals, knowing that God cared for each of them. In the past I have just shook my head and wondered why people had to act so stupid. It is amazing to think that God can make something good of even a mess like me. I just pray that I will let Him finish his work in me.

Hope you have a great Wednesday. I will be in the torture chair AKA the dentist this afternoon for three hours. Any prayers shouted out in my behalf will be appreciated; if I have not mentioned it I have dental-phobia…..

I totally got the tounge in cheek thing yesterday...
I am so sorry about you having to endure the dentisit. I have a definite dentist-phobia! I have been too scared to go for years and I really need to. Shame on me, and prayers for you!
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