Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Eight Day of Christmas

Eight Maids a Milking.

Today I am “milking” my brain for answers. I don’t know if I have eight full thoughts but one that has hit me early this morning. I was reading a devotional by a person who said they don’t celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ but do not have a problem with those who do. Now I think I understand where “we” came up with our posture on Christmas, but today I wonder if we should be surprised that people want to take mention of God and creation out of schools and other secular walks of life when we as a church have taken Christ out of Christmas. I don’t understand how taking a contrarian’s stand on something meant to honor our Lord and Savior makes us more holy or more right and I certainly don’t see how it makes us attractive to others. If we are to be light and salt should one of our goals not be to be attractive as we reflect Jesus in our lives? I have accepted this stance most of my 40 something years, on the outside, but I have always questioned the wisdom of such a stance. Oh well, you all have read and heard enough about this, me too, but I have never really considered how we have expectations of the world that we don’t even place on ourselves.

One of my calendar devotionals today (yes I was four days behind) said “Fastings and vigils without a special object in view are time run to waste.” This was very timely for me for two reasons (I am still milking here, bear with me). First I read in Joe Cook’s blog where he talked about the fact that his Church did a three day period of fasting and prayer for their building project. The results were phenomenal. I love the thought of putting this much time and discipline into something that really matters. Second my friend Terri is having her surgical procedure tomorrow and must fast (clear liquids, popsicles, jello only) today. In the spirit of friendship I offered to fast with her. I have no clear object in view, but only mean to support her by trying to share in her discomfort. Tomorrow, she will be on her own, but today I can support her by fasting with her. Of course I will lift her up in prayer tomorrow, but and I do mean but, the rest is up to her and her Doctor.

My sweet husband picked up the last two Christmas gifts yesterday. I cooked supper while he was gone for the first time in a really long time. It was a great night for hot chili.

Four days left! Are you ready? I have not even seen “A Wonderful Life” yet. Maybe I will get to see it soon. Have a great day and remember, you can’t make milk if you don’t chew the cud!

You have said it so well, my dear. Why have we taken the Christ out of Christmas? And why are we so proud of ourselves at doing so? I will NEVER understand!
On the positive side-- I heard my first ever Christmas sermon Sunday at church. It was wonderful! And the praise team (myself included) sang all Christmas songs! It was a wonderful and moving service. One of our dear friends (who is new to this church with us) was moved to tears saying it was her first Christmas sermon in 43 years and she just couldn't hold back the tears. Blessings to you and your sweet family!!! Enjoy your first Grandma Christmas! How special! Blessings! sd PS-- Hug Terri for me when you see her!
Praying for TL tonight! I love Romans 14:5 when it comes to the whole Christ and Christmas thing. We will be going t a Baptisit church for Christmas eve service.
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