Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Play That Funk-y Music

Today I am in a funk. Can’t put my finger on what is causing it. I don’t think it is post-holiday depression, I just never get all that fired up about the holidays. I think I am just feeling a little lonely maybe a little old. The years do seem to tick off at a faster and faster pace.

I think I am somewhat overwhelmed by what all I need to do. I am neither a stupid person nor a lazy person, but I just can’t seem to get it all together. My tax records are piled up in envelopes waiting for me to sort them from the junk mail in my cabinet. I can’t ever seem to catch up at work even though the volume of work is nothing like it was this time last year. My closets are over filled at home and I just never seem to get around to getting groceries or preparing a whole meal at home. This all frustrates me. I know that I must simplify, at least I think I know it, I sure don’t act like it.

I know that the very nature of all my blessing should so overwhelm me that I couldn’t possibly feel down about anything, and yet I do. I know that God will forgive me and love me anyway, but I just don’t feel joyful. I can think of many things that bring me great joy but my attitude is not joyful.

Funks come and go maybe this one will go soon.

You soooo need a dog! Just kidding! I know how you feel - sometimes it's all so overwhelming...the kids, the house, the job, the marriage - things that should be a joy and a blessing just add to the burden of this life! I hate that feeling!
Anyway - my favorite get-out-of-a-funk verses: The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days. There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty...Blessed are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord? He is your shield and helper and your glorious sword...
(Works every time!) Blugs!
Repeat after me. "No funkus among us. NO funkus among us. No FUNKUS among us. NO FUNKUS AMONG US!" There, don't you feel better?

Seriously, I do hope you're soon our of the funkies, I know they are no fun. Prayers for you my blog sister. :)
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