Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Words vs Thoughts
My problem customer from earlier in the month just paid me a visit. She just wanted to let me know how horribly she felt I had treated her and how I had ruined her purchase experience for her.
God is good. He granted me the peace and the wisdom to only say kind words and to tell this woman that I was sorry. I didn’t try and defend or explain, I just said that I was sorry, her file had been a very difficult case for me and I hated it that she felt that I had in any way mistreated her. I am not sure I could have done that this time last month.
I really wanted to say “Do you know I bent over backwards for you, get out of my office your crazy woman!!!@!”
Does the fact that I didn’t say it help with the fact that I thought it????
God is good. He granted me the peace and the wisdom to only say kind words and to tell this woman that I was sorry. I didn’t try and defend or explain, I just said that I was sorry, her file had been a very difficult case for me and I hated it that she felt that I had in any way mistreated her. I am not sure I could have done that this time last month.
I really wanted to say “Do you know I bent over backwards for you, get out of my office your crazy woman!!!@!”
Does the fact that I didn’t say it help with the fact that I thought it????
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Glad to hear you were able to take the high road - outwardly, at least. Ever wonder why they call it the 'high road' when you usually end up humbled and brought low? Hmmmm...
I've been following your Parable of the Crazy Customer at a distance for a while. -- It makes all the difference in the world that you didn't express your thoughts out loud to her. And it probably makes all the difference in the world that you didn't just bottle them up, but let them out in your blog!
What do you think was going on inside Jesus' head when he saw people who wouldn't let the hungry pick grain on the Sabbath ... who couldn't approve of a sick person being healed on the Sabbath ... who would give God a tenth of their garden herbs at the expense of mercy and justice?
People who, as God's favorite customers, were "right" all the time?
What do you think was going on inside Jesus' head when he saw people who wouldn't let the hungry pick grain on the Sabbath ... who couldn't approve of a sick person being healed on the Sabbath ... who would give God a tenth of their garden herbs at the expense of mercy and justice?
People who, as God's favorite customers, were "right" all the time?
I am with Clarissa, did you help her attitude any? I am a pensions administrator and I deal with a few unhappy people and yes, I think it is better to be really kind and apologetic, even when they drive me crazy and I don't feel like I caused their problems.
Do you have the support of your boss, even if she complains?
Do you think you are finished with her case now--as in you might not hear from her again?
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Do you have the support of your boss, even if she complains?
Do you think you are finished with her case now--as in you might not hear from her again?
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