Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Birth Day Memories

Twenty-four years ago today I was questioning God’s timetable. My younger brother had joined the Air Force and was leaving today to start basic training. I had quit work the end of January to spend some time with him and to have some time for myself before my first child was born. He was due on the 14th of February. Each week I would go to the Doctor and find out my body was not in birthing mode yet. The Thursday before, I had cried and asked couldn’t he induce me? He said no, because I had not dilated at all. Why was this fair? I only wanted my baby brother to be there when my child was born. On Sunday morning, February 22nd, my parents got up to take my brother to Montgomery, Alabama where all new recruits are processed. In the meantime my body had decided it was time to expel this big old boy out into the world. In retrospect, it was easier for Bruce to leave without becoming attached to this precious newborn. It helped my parents anxiety at leaving their baby boy knowing they were coming home to the birth of their first grandchild. It helped me to have focus on this life I was bringing into the world and to be able to give him my undivided attention. At 4:30 a.m. on Feb 23rd Derek decided to make his appearance. My life has never been the same. My baby boy taught me about unconditional love. He taught me the true meaning of turning things over to God. He has been a challenge and a joy throughout his life. There have been times when he has broken my heart, but their have been more times when my heart has been broken for him. My boy loves his mother. He also knows how to manipulate her, but that’s o.k. The most gratifying thing is to watch him become a man; to see him show that same love for his baby boy. To have him realize, that those shenanigans he pulled on me will come back to haunt him. I love that boy! Happy Birthday son!

Let me add my happy birthday to you son, as well!
Happy Bday Derek! Aren't baby boys wonderful!!
Happy birthday, Derek! And many more boys! ; )
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