Monday, February 21, 2005

Clearing my "To Do" list

I have so many things that I am not quite finished with. I wanted to check this one off of my list!
So here it is the final 40 things you never really wanted to know about me!

1. Most of my closest friends have been male
2. I love to drive fast
3. I love roller coasters
4. I was in Disney World 9/11/2001 when it closed at 9:00 a.m. Had to drive our rental car home.
5. I currently have preacheritis. (love Randy)
6. I took my kids to the beach by myself for the 1st time when they were 6 and 3.
7. I took my kids to the beach every year after (till they got too old to be seen with Mom)
8. I played volleyball in high school
9. I completed only about 2 years in Jr. College
10. My husband and I have risen to the top of our professions without a college degree (not recommended, just our story)
11. I once had to fish three kittens out of a swimming pool in one day
12. I once had a tom cat kill a whole litter of new born kittens in my basement (cats should probably stay away from my house)
13. I was valedictorian of my Jr. High school (9th grade class)
14. I was a cheerleader in Jr. High School
15. I was not very ambitious in High School (boys, I think)
16. I had my first boyfriend in the first grade
17. I still remember this boy’s birthday
18. I still remember the birthdays of all my girlfriends from Jr. High School
19. I can’t remember either of my sister-in-laws birthdays.
20. I read the complete Left Behind series
21. I have read the Harry Potter books to date
22. I have seen every James Bond movie
23. I have read every John Grisham book
24. I have read most of the Max Lucado books
25. I used to wanna be a Pip (Gladys Knight and the Pips)
26. I also wanted to be a football coach
27. I can play House of the Rising Sun of the guitar.
28. That is the only song I can play on the guitar.
29. I always wanted to play the piano
30. I have never had any music lessons. (and it shows)
31. I taught myself to cross stitch and crochet.
32 I have done neither in years.
33. I could not teach myself to knit
34. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.
35. My mother was one of 10 children, only one of whom ever divorced (her oldest brother)
36. My husband thinks I am smart
37. My husband also thinks I am a smart a**
38. My husband is right a lot
39. I hate English peas and raisins.
40. The only thing really special about me is that God loved me so much He sent His Son to die just for me! I am SO Special!!

Woo Hoo! Ioo down. I think this is becomeing a bloggers right of passage. It would take me a week to come up with 100 interseting things! Yours are great! I too can not stand engligh peas! YUCK! I thought you said you wanted to be a pimp at first! LOL
BRAVO, WOMAN! Good for you!

And you've read the Harry Potter books! I'm so proud of you! ; )
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