Friday, February 11, 2005

Motivated to Meditate

I am struggling with a decision I need to make. There is a part of my business that only I have been doing in my office. The business is profitable and I would be lying if I said this was not a determining factor. See I work on straight commission; if I don’t close loans I don’t make any money. This particular sector of business is HARD. That don’t scare me, I am not afraid of hard work. The lenders that I deal with don’t like these loans. As a matter of fact I am down to one lender I can send them to. Without going into a lot of detail, I have to compromise some of my normal standards and take some risk that I do not have to take with my other loans. Remember the crazy lady? Yep, she was one of these deals. I had another man get angry with me yesterday and he too was one of these deals. The thing is the mortgage business has really slowed down, can I afford to let this business go?

Last night my personal study was on meditating on God’s word. Not just reading it as quickly as possible but letting it sink in and mean something to you. This morning one of my devotionals re-emphasized that point. It talked about looking at the word of God as a mirror and see how it reflects on you! I had chosen the following verse to meditate on last night because it spoke to the dilemma I have to resolve.

Proverbs 3:21-24 My child, use common sense and sound judgment! Always keep them in mind. They will help you to live a long and beautiful life. You will walk safely and never stumble; you will rest without a worry and sleep soundly.

God is speaking to me. My head knows what I should do. My fear holds me back, even though God has always taken care of me. With this scripture in mind; I am going to resolve this issue today.

Donna, you won't be making the decision alone..........He will be making it with you! Whatever that decision is, He will be walking beside you. How do I know that? He promised he would! :)

"All I really want to do is fall into the emptiness that is the space in between us."

Building 429
Thanks guys, I needed the encouragement today. I am going to be professional and not say "no" but give a list of criteria that must be completed before I will handle these loans. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.
Sorry, looks like I am reading after the fact--but it looks like God has given you what His will is in your circumstance. Have you submitted your list of conditions yet?
Didn't mean to cut off commnets early. I got to feeling really "blah" this afternoon and went home at 3:00. I haven't worked out the details of this project, but it is a relief to know that I am headed in a positive direction.

Thanks again all!!
Hope you are over the blahs--and I am praying for your Monday. And yes, I mailed some more notes this weekend--you keep motivating me.
Putting your faith into practice, eh? That takes guts. You keep it up, Donna! Your light is shining brightly.
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