Wednesday, February 16, 2005

People Pleaser

I have made a list of criteria for those “exception loans” that I spoke of last week. I have gone over it with my boss and now have to talk with my dealers that send me these loans. That of course is the hard part, because I truly want to be a people pleaser. But I know it is time to put my foot down and get some peace back in my work life.

I was thinking about some other things I need to do (church things) on the way to work this morning. I wonder if there is ever a time in our lives when we feel relaxed and accomplished. I wondered if I try to make too much happen and sometimes push too hard. But I came back to the parable of the talents. I know that God has blessed me in many ways and maybe one of my talents is to be a pioneer. Not that I have started anything “new”, but maybe it is new to our church family. I think God deserves the best that I have to offer Him, even if it stretches my comfort zones (lazy zones). I truly know that I am saved ONLY by grace. Yet, I feel that if I am not always striving to do more or to do the things that I do better, I am failing. Do I put too much pressure on myself? Do I get caught up in doing things and neglect the truly important? I am spending more time than ever listening to and talking to God, but who do I talk to about Him? I know I will never be worthy, that is why we need grace, but I long for that “peace that passes understanding”. Maybe I need to make a criteria list for Donna, because the most important thing is not to be a people pleaser, but a God pleaser.

Wow! Amen!
I love to be comfortable (but you are correct, lazy is a better word, it just doesn't sound quite as nice)--and I think God does not like me comfortable. When I am operating in my comfort zone, I don't have to depend on him--so he keeps trying to move me out. Because I am totally 100% saved by grace, I need to be the best I am be. And yes, some of the pressure I put on myself is from me--Satan is thrilled I am sure. It's is hard, hard to find that balance.
Good thoughts, Donna. I hope you will stick to your guns on these qualifications you have written out for the loans.

As for the rest of it...I think I have stressed out so much over trying to relieve stress ... In the end, though, I do it to myself. Got to do better!
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