Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Surely Goodness and Mercy

Goodness! That is my fruit of the Spirit I will be covering tonight. I have four books I am pulling from teaching this class. I don’t like what any of them have to say on this subject. What they say is good; it is just not the approach I want to take. Nothing is inspiring me. They talk about the goodness of God to us, the way we should be good to other people, how comforting it is when others are good to us, but none of them talk about just being a “good” person. I am not sure where the Spirit will lead me tonight. My study carried me to Proverbs and to the Sermon on the Mount. I think I can build a class around that. For some reason the responsibility of teaching is hitting me hard today. I know it is an awesome challenge and responsibility. I have got to get out of the way and be sure that I am only pointing to Jesus. I covet your prayers in this effort.

My own struggle with goodness is hindered by my petty resentments and trivial pursuits. I am so aggravated when I don’t feel like co-workers are carrying their load. I get my rump on my shoulders when I know I am doing someone else’s job for them while they take off three days in one week! It is hard to be good with your rump on your shoulders. Yet, in my heart I know that God is calling me to a better more fulfilled life. One that is not crowded with petty irritations. However, the enemy knows how to push my buttons. I realize sometimes it is because I am quick to advertise right where those buttons are.

I tried to think of something to give up for Lent. I know, we don’t officially do that, but it is always a good practice to fast for a good cause. I have already given up buying books until the first of April. I am on a high protein diet, so I have given up all the foods that I love. I can’t give up Diet Coke, sorry I must have one sweet thing in my life. So, I came up with buying clothes and shoes, including tennis clothes. I have already been doing my on-line shopping for some new tennis outfits. It will be a challenge and a sacrifice to not buy anything. So how about you, are you giving anything up?

I gave up Diet Coke (and all things carbonated and caffeinated) last year. It was incredibly difficult. Lent snuck up on me this year b/c 1) CofC doesn't typically observe, therefore we never talk about it and 2) my friends at work that do observe Lent have all quit and moved on to new jobs in the past year, so I didn't have their reminder. So, I don't know yet what (or if) I'll be giving up this year.
A friend of mine gave up listening to the radio in the car during Lent. She spent the time in the car focusing on God instead. I thought that was a good one!
OUCH! You hit me with the petty irritations. Got to keep on with the returning good for evil thing. I didn't do well with that today. : (
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