Monday, March 28, 2005

I Confess

My last post started with “I confess”, evidently it was a hook that had KB reading on. This seems to be a recurring theme in my life. I was doing the first read through for my Wednesday night class and guess what? It’s on confession! Did I not just teach this class? Anyway obviously God is trying to get my attention, so I will try to “get it” this time. I will let you know how I do.

In other news; A few weeks ago fellow blogger Fajita challenged us with the following:

Take the Fajita Challenge:

1. Inventory your religious connections. Worship services attended, Bible classes, seminars, number of Christian friends, ministries, etc.

2. What if all of this was no longer accessible to you? Imagine all you have is you and your faith (OK, and your family).

3. Now, be church.

This has been on my mind since then, and this weekend it has taken over my thinking. (Sometimes we underestimate the power of our words when written). Can I be church? Can I even recognize that I am church; not a building; not a group of men; not my class or my friends; ME!! It is vital for my spiritual health right now to come to that realization. I need to put aside all the preconceived ideals, all of the traditions, all of the expectations of others and figure out what Jesus wants ME to do! What does He expect me to be? When I truly focus on this everything else will fall into its proper place.

I think you are right, when we focus on the right things--everything will fall into place. Now, if only I can focus on the right things. JB
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