Monday, March 07, 2005

Love that Boy!

I just realized that I have not updated you lately on Matthew. He is now 7 months old and completely mobile. He hasn’t got the crawling thing perfected; they have wood floors at his house so sometimes he just scoots, but he gets wherever he wants to go and in a hurry. He can pull up on anything, unless it turns over with him and is constant motion. He has two bottom teeth and is developing more personality every day. He does this little thing where he snorts as he laughs that is just precious. Yes of course I am biased, but the truth is the truth. To check him out at seven months click here.

You know I was thinking about the fact that I don’t talk about him and post as much about him as I did when he was first born. Do you think that means that I love him any less? Of course not! He knows that I love him. His face lights up when I come in a room and he reaches for me. My heart could burst sometimes it is so full when I am with him. Maybe, this is how we are about Jesus. Sometimes we don’t talk about Him and what He means to us all of the time, but He is such a part of our lives we just assume everyone knows how much we love Him. When we do talk about Him our faces should light up and our hearts fill up with unsurpassable joy at the thought of how much He loves us and what He has done for us. But there are people who don’t know about Him. They need to hear us talk about Him. They need us to introduce Him to them. Do we tell about Him with as much ease as we do our children, grandchildren or nieces and nephews? I admit, I am guilty. Sometimes I act like it would offend someone to hear about my Jesus. Shame on me! If He is as vital to my life as I say how can I help but speak of Him with great pride and great joy?! I pray that I can talk about His love for me and my love for Him with the same ease and sense of excitement with which I talk about my precious grandson.

That was my exact point about 2 years ago at our Bible study. We were talking about how we are sometimes not as willing to talk about Jesus and his love for everyone. I brought up that in the grocery store line, we are just holding our babies and just HOPEING someone will ask about him or smile at him. Something that will get me to talk all about him. We should definatley be more that way with our Savior! Great reminder..Thanks!
Since I know you through reading your blog, I am going to guess that you radiate Jesus and his love every where you go. We do need to be ready to talk when the time is right, but I do believe some of the time people like to make sure our lives match what we say before they will listen. BTW Matthew gets cuter every time you post pictures. Talk about a smile--I can see why he grabs your heart! JB
I think your little grandson and my Mary Beth must be about the same age! She will be 7 months old on the 12th. I enjoyed your blog today.
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