Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March Winds

What winds will March bring to my life this year?

Winds of change? I hope it brings a change to the number I am registering on the scales. (I just accidentally typed the word ton instead of on; an omen….. or a description.)

Winds of blessings? Perhaps my daughter will get pregnant this month, granny X 2

Winds of Service? Will I find ways to serve others that I have not thought of yet? I hope so.

Winds of Praise? Can I put my God before everything else in my life and give Him glory for all He has done for me?

Winds of Tolerance? Can I be less critical of others; can I support decisions of others even when I don’t necessarily agree with them?

Winds of Study? Can I immerse myself into The Word and grow in Spirit?

Winds of Trust? Can I identify the leadings of the Spirit in my life and have the courage to follow?

Winds of Attention? Can I actually pay attention to the important people in my life, you know actually listen to everything they say and let that be important to me too!

Winds of Prayer? Really can I accomplish anything on my own? No I need the help from the Father above, but you know what? He wants me to ask!!

Wow. I could use some windy days, myself.
Great thoughts....I like the new template!
Deep thoughts today, Donna. Really good food for thought! I think I needed to read this today, thanks! : )

Cheers! : )
This is a great post. It should be a bulletin article. It is thought provoking enough to receive a wider reading than a blog can deliver. May we have permission to use it at Rochester, here in the frozen northlands of Michigan?
These are great enough to be published--have you ever been published before?? JB
I have written a poem that his been published in the church bulletin, a long time ago. Other than that, no, I just write for my pleasure...
If there is one thing that I believe with all my heart is that you can have any life you choose to, you can live the life you have always dreamed of.
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