Friday, March 25, 2005

Pass the Corn please!

I confess; I never really understood the concept of “Creamed Corn”. Sure we all have things in our lives and on our hearts that we are not going to share on our blogs so why even mention it? Today I get it! It is that big elephant sitting in the room that everyone is aware of but are pretending it is not there. It is a burden on your heart that is so palpable that you are sure others can see your pain. Yet for now it can’t be shared. It can only be talked around while the mundane is discussed. Anyway, if you can shout up a prayer for me God knows what I need.

So for some Creamed Corn: A few weeks ago I changed the “skin” on my blog, and a few of you asked me about it and I never responded. I just wanted a new look. It also gave me something to do when I was frustrated about the posting and commenting outages. I like to try and figure out the HTML codes by trial and error since I don’t really know anything about it. Unfortunately the “skin” I chose had some hard coding in it that I have not quite figured out how to go around. I find it challenging to change the color and size of my title, a different font and underline for my post headings and so forth. I like the ability to manipulate the look without having to really get in there and learn the language. Yes, I admit it I am lazy. I will often spend hours developing short cuts to keep me from doing boring and mundane task. Many people will tell me I could have been finished a lot faster if I had just did it instead of reinventing it, but tomorrow and the next day, and the next day, it will be easier for me!! So if you liked my new look, thank you. Maybe I will get creative again soon and change it again. (You can just about count on that!)

Have a blessed Good Friday and a wonderful Easter.

Praise God; He AROSE!!

Every time I see the words He Arose together It reminds me of a friend growing up named Leah Rose.
Up from the grave Leah Rose!
With a mighty triumph Leah Rose!
Leah Rose the victor from the dark domain and he lives forever with his saints to praise.
Leah Rose!
Leah Rose!
Hallelujah Leah Rose!
You had me at "I confess." And my prayers, for whatever it is you need from God ... whatever the elephant's sitting on.
So sorryabout your creamed corn situation. Seems like it happens to us all at some point. A prayers that your go quickly by for it is hard to blog with an elephant in the room!
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