Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Things I don't Understand
Why my husband is offended when I want to get someone to clean the house. I wouldn’t care if he had someone mow the yard.
Why people don’t plant beds of dandelions. They are truly a unique and beautiful plant.
Why I feel more productive “goofing off” at work than “goofing off” at home.
Why you can’t eat barbeque wings without getting sauce on your sleeve.
Why if working out makes you stronger my knees keep getting weaker.
Why anyone would watch reality T.V.
Why my husband likes Orange County Choppers!!??
Why anyone was surprised that the ratings of the Oscars was low. I mean who cares???
Why I long for heaven, but absolutely hate getting older!
Why EVERYBODY goes to Wal-Mart on the 1st day of the month (and I keep forgetting and go too!)
Why you are always sleeping soooo good when the alarm clock goes off.
Why if I understand and accept God’s grace in my life, I can’t shake off the guilt of my past sins.
Why people don’t plant beds of dandelions. They are truly a unique and beautiful plant.
Why I feel more productive “goofing off” at work than “goofing off” at home.
Why you can’t eat barbeque wings without getting sauce on your sleeve.
Why if working out makes you stronger my knees keep getting weaker.
Why anyone would watch reality T.V.
Why my husband likes Orange County Choppers!!??
Why anyone was surprised that the ratings of the Oscars was low. I mean who cares???
Why I long for heaven, but absolutely hate getting older!
Why EVERYBODY goes to Wal-Mart on the 1st day of the month (and I keep forgetting and go too!)
Why you are always sleeping soooo good when the alarm clock goes off.
Why if I understand and accept God’s grace in my life, I can’t shake off the guilt of my past sins.
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I have to confess, I watch reality TV. I'm not proud of it, but I admit it! There's something compelling and addictive about watching people do and say stupid things that are (supposedly) unscripted. Of course, there's a lot of creative editing that goes on so it's not always completely "real". But I find "The Amazing Race" and "The Apprentice" (my two favorite reality TV guilty pleasures)to be so much more interesting than anything Hollywood script writers could conjure. And I would actually love to go on the "Amazing Race" if I could find someone willing to go with me (any volunteers???).
Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?
Why are there locks on the doors at 7/11 when they are opened 24 hours a day 365 days a year?
Why are there locks on the doors at 7/11 when they are opened 24 hours a day 365 days a year?
You are on a roll! Two great days of thoughts in a row! What is that saying about "great minds run alike"? Since you are similar to Mike Cope today, I will make you the great minds! I am with you almost 100% on these--I am showing my ignorance here, but is "Orange County Choppers" a tv show? I just rarely watch tv. Otherwise, I am with you!
Orange County Choppers; a show on the Discovery Channel about a father and son run business that makes custom Motorcycles. They argue and yell at each other alot. Hubbie says he likes the creative process and watching them build, I can't get past the arguing. Might as well watch, Meet the Press!!
I have always wondered why painters wear white! And when someone says they smell a skunk, why we all take a big sniff just to make sure! I hate that smell, yet I always fall for it...Thanks for the "Things that make ya go hum?"
LOL Donna! I am SO with you on the Orange County Choppers! That man is so mean to the rest of the people in the shop. UGH! Somebody needs to take a frying pan to the side of his head and put him out of our misery! Oh, sorry, not very Christianlike, was it. Did I type that out loud?
My knees are still not good from "getting stronger"
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My knees are still not good from "getting stronger"
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