Monday, March 21, 2005

This and That

What kind of blogger are you? Do you know what you are going to write about before you start? Maybe you just sit down and start typing and see what comes out. I admit that I am both. Some days I have to just start typing and it is amazing but words always come. Other days I have something specific in mind when I begin. Well today I have a lot of trivial things on my mind so bear with me as I air them

  1. Are you watching American Idol? Is it just me or does Bo sound like the lead singer for Third Day? Yes, I am from Alabama, a fan of Rock and therefore a Bo supporter!! Go BO!
  2. I am going to agree with David U this morning. Is there any better food than eating at your Mother’s house? Wow, what a great meal!
  3. Have you noticed how easy it is to love people who think like you think? I have told you before I have preacheritis. Randy amazes me sometimes by pulling thoughts right out of my head. He also is a big John Ortberg fan, so we have that in common. You rock Randy!!
  4. Someone told me recently that they were tired of studying Acts and some other books of the Bible because we had done them so many times we knew the whole book. I may be crazy, but the more I study the more questions I have. The more I study the more I realize I don’t know. Do you find yourself questioning more or less as you get older?
  5. Is the first day of spring always followed by a grey rainy day or is it just in Alabama?
  6. I saw two movies this weekend, Ladder 49 on DVD and Robots at the theatre. That should be enough said about my eclectic taste in movies.
  7. Have you ever had cramps in the arches of your feet? This is a very painful experience and I am blaming my spin instructor!!
  8. I know many of you could care less but What is up with the #8 team??? We are going to have a hard time scratching up to the top 10 even though we have seven months of racing left. Do all the teams I pull for have to start out behind???
  9. Even though I don’t comment that often when I read blogs, I lose interest in reading when I CAN’T comment. I wonder why that is? Control maybe?
  10. Monday’s aren’t so bad! I actually find myself looking forward to them now. I wonder if I am losing my mind!

Have a great week!

You've got a good point about #9.
I generally know what I am going to blog and don't write anything out of routine. Maybe that's why my posts are so sporadic?! It's gray and rainy here in Dallas too...after a completely beautiful Sunday. But I'm not complaining, I love thunderstorms.
Never know what I am going to say and then it changes even as I am typing. Sometimes I type for 20 minutes only to delete it. -Ramblings!
Never have watched American Idol.

My Mom does not like to cook and does so as little as possible, but when she does it is pretty good.

My husband says I don't have trouble talking to anybody!

I sometimes get frustrated with the Book s of the Bibke because yes the more I study the more I question and the less I feel I understand.

Sounds like shin splints on your arches...ouch!

I have nothing against it but I have never felt part of the Nascar nation!

I typed two post last week and blogger ate them. I have found I don't read if I can't comment. What does that say about me???
Oh Donna...Great Post!

*I often have no idea what I'm going to blog about. I have several "good ideas" during the day, but I forget them. Thus I have bought a digital voice recorder to remind me later. Haven't used it for that yet, though!

*AI is a family thing for us...we all love it and Bo is a family favorite. I have to say, though, that Anwar is my personal favorite...he sings circles around the rest. Love Nadia and Carrie as well. I never vote.

*I love my mother's cooking. Especially her chicken and sausage gumbo and cooked banana pudding.

*I have my favorite preachers / bloggers... like you!

*Though I've never read one, I own John Ortberg books...does that count?

*Boring Bible study has not done it's homework.

*It's Spring?

*We saw THE RING 2.

*Cramps in my feet alllll the time ... but I do not know what a spin instructor is.

*Nascar - nada.

*'s the community we crave...not the power.
My mom is a great cook--however, when my kids head home they can't say the same about me--eeekkk!
The more I study the Bible the questions I have--and the fewer answers I know--I even wonder how many answers we are supposed to know!
I always have a thought before I blog--then some time I write it and don't publish it. Some of the time, I have a thought most every day--occasionally I go a week without a blog entry.
I don't think I have ever seen 2 movies in a weekend--perhaps 2 movies in a year. Hope you have a happy spring day! JB
Thanks JD, I like the idea of needing community better than having even more control issues! BTW "Spin" is an aerobic (read torture) class on stationery bicycles. There is not much sitting and peddling going on though. The tension on the wheel can be set so high you can barely peddle at all. I think that is what is getting the feet to cramping.

Thanks all for your comments! Ain't it great when it works!!
Oh and Betty, my kids have the same problem when they come home. We grill out a lot..... They are the ones who always want to go to Grandmothers!!
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