Friday, April 01, 2005

April Showers!!

Here in the Heart of Dixie April is starting with showers! We are having a nice relaxing steady rain that makes you want to crawl deep in the covers and sleep a long, long, long time….but no, I got up at 4:55 and went to work out. I am sure that I will be a better person for it. (can you sense that my eyes are rolling up in my head while I type that?)

My daughter is doing well. Mae you hit the nail on the head with the “obsessing about every detail” thought. Some days she drives me crazy with “what if” and “what about” questions. They changed her drug after the first month because her body had one of the side effects that make getting pregnant difficult. I don’t think the second drug caused quite the mood swing that the first one (Clomid) did. I am thankful for small favors. Hopefully this will be “the” month, but as I tell her we must be patient.

I will tell you about my upcoming vacation, but not today. There are a few people who read my blog who I need to tell in person first, so stayed tuned….I will tell you Monday. As for other unresolved matters, trust me, I will update you when I can.

I wanted to post some elaborate story today and end it with “April Fool” but I just don’t feel the creative juices flowing this morning. I trust that someone out there in blog land will do so today.

I do have a Bible question for you today. In Matthew 22 Jesus is presenting the parable of the Wedding Feast. He tells how the invited guest would not come so they went out into the streets and invited everyone, both good and bad. Beginning in verse 11 …

“But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless. “Then the king told the attendants, ‘Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”

What do you think this means? We are told that God does not look on the outward appearance of man so what is this about? Matthew 22:14 was one of my favorite memory verses as a kid because it was so short, but I guess I have never really considered this part of the passage. I was listening to this chapter on the way in this morning and started pondering what it meant. I just wondered if any of you had any ideals….

One thought: if you answer the invitation to be the bride of Christ, you accept that it means a change in your life.
I love to wake up to rain--it's one of my fav things! But I HATE to get up--so it's best if it happens on a Sat!
Okay, here's the JB take on Matt. 22.
wedding clothes--Jesus (you need to be him on?)
Tie him up...he sends him to hell
And many are invited to put Jesus on, but not everyone will.
Do not laugh, if I am not even close!!
I suppose I will have to wait until Monday to find out about vacation.
Hope you have a great weekend!
We had floods yesterday...but sunshine in the afternoon. Today is beautiful on the Gulf Coast.

I think Jesus is talking about the Jews who thought that their outward deeds of righteousness would save them ... but the required garment (the changed life - as Joe said) was missing.
Donna, your Five Interview Questions are posted on my blog!
O.K. I have thought about this over night and here is my take...

The parable was about the fact that the Jews did not accept Jesus and therefore all others were invited in. However; just because we are invited does not guarantee our acceptability. I am basically agreeing with all of you. We must change by putting on Jesus!
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