Monday, April 11, 2005

Elephant Revealed!

Thank you all for your kind encouraging words. It is good to know (I think) that I am not by myself in this struggle. I did have a good weekend. I had two days of tennis, sun, babysitting, lunch at Mom’s and a little relaxing. My blessings are too great to count. Thank you for bearing with me when I get a little down.

Now for the elephant…. I have told you how I have preacheritis. I love Randy and he and I have become somewhat spiritual soul-mates. You probably didn’t notice but when JD asked his interview questions, he asked what I liked about my church. I did not mention the preacher. You see I had just found out he was leaving me! He was deserting ME, taking his family and going to Columbia Tennessee!! How could he? Did he not understand that I NEED him here? Well he made the announcement to the congregation yesterday, so I guess there is no changing his mind now.

Actually, I am much better now. I have quit taking it personally and am praying for Randy & Celia and their family. I am also praying that God will send us the right man to lead us during this next phase of our growth. However, I am sure that you can understand why a dramatic change like this would throw me into my spiritual “funk”. I have always been a big agent of “change”. I guess it is time for me to step forward and show that I mean it. The next few months are going to be very difficult for our church family. It is vital that we keep the faith and KNOW that if we ask; God will provide just what we need. If He truly is leading Randy to Columbia, He also has in mind the right man for us!

So if any of you know a dynamic preacher who would just love to come to North-Central Alabama, send them our way. In the meantime I am getting ready for my cruise… just five more days!!

Wow, Donna. I had no idea that this was your elephant. At least you've had some time to sort this out some. I'm still struggling pretty hard. Pray for the rest of us that aren't where you are yet.

It'll be alright . . .
(my mantra)
Donna, have a great trip, and may there be no elephants where you are going.
I have a hard time not taking it personally when people leave....over the past year at work my three favorite people have all moved on to other places. I respect their decisions, b/c the choices were all made with thoughts toward their family, but it still makes my work environment different. The last time a preacher left my church, I was too young to really feel "left." But I do understand how you are feeling and hope that the sadness eases in time.
Hey DJG,
I noticed you had posted on my blog. Do we know each other from school, work or church? My curiosity was getting the best of me. Thanks for your words.
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