Monday, April 25, 2005

If Only

I say the words “if only” on a regular basis. Do I really think that I could control the world “if only” I had done something just so at just right the moment? Well obviously I believe the answer to that question to be “yes”.

Take tonight for instance. My husband had to go out of town on a business trip. We have become avid 24 watchers. He recorded last Monday’s episode while I was on the cruise ship. I was to record tonight and we would watch both of them together. Well I did everything right, I thought! IF ONLY I had made sure the tape was rewound!! And truly I thought I did, but alas, I blew it again!! I did get the middle part of that stupid show about the Nanny!!

I was thinking of some other times when I thought “if only.” Like the night I was in a car wreck. If only I had stayed at church two minutes later, the girl who ran the red light would not have hit me! IF ONLY I had insisted that the car be taken to a different mechanic it would have been totaled! Then there was the accident my children were in, IF ONLY I had made them leave a few minutes earlier, or IF ONLY I had cooked their breakfast they would not have stopped at the store and the timing would have all been different. We believe that by reliving some less than stellar moments in our lives we could change the outcome…IF ONLY!

But truly we have our safety net. While we cannot change the past, we can live confidently in the fact that we are given a clean slate and a fresh start each time we ask! That is priceless. You know when I consider things that I might have gone back and done differently I know that the end result may have been much worse. God takes care of me even when I don’t exercise the good sense to do it for myself. Praise God that He gave His only son to die for me….IF ONLY I will trust and obey!

Last week I was thinking, "If only Bryon had thought to check the camcorder before he started taping Matthew's T-ball game he wouldn't have taped over the day Mary Beth was born!" Fortunately most of it was still there but the tape goes from the day she was born to her 3rd month birthday. No telling what he taped over....

I Tevo'ed 24 and will watch it tomorrow night. I will let you know what happens! :)
IF ONLY we knew how many things God had protected us from ... how many times he delayed a drunk driver ... or confused a criminal... and IF ONLY we knew how awesomely he would use that which he did not prevent. Staggers the mind!
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