Thursday, May 26, 2005

Advice Column

When I was in Jr. High school we had a little newspaper that we put out weekly or monthly. This was in the day of mimeograph machines, so we couldn’t have produced it too often. We sold it for $.25 to raise money for Student Council or Honor Society or something, I just don’t remember what. But anyway we started an advice column called Ask Hazel. I was Hazel. I thought it was real cool to take the questions people had and answer them with all of my great wisdom especially since they didn’t know who was hiding behind the name of Hazel. Back then, I would assume I knew who was really asking the question (they were submitted anonymously) and answer accordingly. Sometimes I was just telling them what I thought they should know.

I realized today that when someone asks me for advice I still sometimes act like “Hazel”. I start spouting off answers without considering what the person may really be asking. Sometimes I want to give my opinion so badly that I stop listening before they are finished asking. You know I always heard that opinions were like “noses” that everyone has one. (OK, I didn’t hear it as noses either!) And yet for some reason I get caught up in the thinking that what I have to say is special or somehow inspired!

This morning I realize that I am a 46 year old Christian. I am a mother and a grandmother. I have been married for 29 years and have had a fair amount of success in my professional life. If someone honors me with the request of my opinion or ask me for advice they are not looking for an answer from my Jr. High “Hazel” persona. At this point in my life if I don’t have some true experiences and wisdom to share then I am just sad.

Today I will not offer advice flippantly. I will pray before answering anyone. I will listen to all that they say before I start talking.... At least I am going to start trying to do all of these things. But I confess, for me, it is easier to just be Hazel!

What a very honest post. I too am guilty of occasionally ceasing to listen so I can formulate what I want to say next.

Being a good listener is truly a gift. You seem like a very wise person, though, so I imagine any input you can give to people is welcome!
Your post itself is inspiring.
I think I could have been Hazel in Jr. High-I find I don't have nearly as many answers now. I try to listen and try to rarely give advice--I try to ask how I can pray for them--and then do it. God has all the answers. I am not so perfect, but I try. It would probably be easier to just be Hazel. JB
While hearing a confession from a friend recently, my mind wandered to try to figure out what I could tell him to reach some kind of peace ... and then I caught myself and decided to say nothing. I did say nothing for a long time. AFTER he was through, I said nothing for a while...and then offered a few thoughts ... without telling him what to do. That was very hard for me. And very unusual.
I suspect that the first question asked is often not the real question. I think most people beat around the bush before coming to the real issue, especially if it is in a sensitive area.

If people are seriously asking advice, a thoughtful and non-judgemental response is required. God gave us two ears and one mouth - we should use them in that proportion...
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