Saturday, June 04, 2005


Last night we celebrated my son-in-laws birthday. The seven of us went to the local seafood restaurant where my cousin is working as a waitress during her summer break from college. I am afraid we ran her legs off, but we had a great time, and I tried to make it worth her while. Matthew is so good in places like that. Sure he makes a little mess, but he overall is very well behaved. They all came on to the house after dinner. May I say he is no longer taking a few steps, he walks everywhere he wants to go, and he has now learned to open my back door to call the "pup-pup". (my dogs)

Joy, peace, contentment. My feelings when I spend the evening with my family. Sure their is some sarcasm, fussing and jealousy going on in the room, but we are family and we are together, what do you expect?

Must go play tennis now! Have a great weekend all!!

There is nothing like family time! I love laughing and enjoying a good meal around the table with mine.
I had a sudden flash of inspiration and deduced that Matthew must be your grandson, not your son-in-law ... but not until after I had a vivid mental picture of a son-in-law making a little mess and overall behaving well.

Sorry. I'm reading too many blogs these days to keep everybody's kith and kin straight!
Sorry Keith, I thought EVERYONE knew Matthew was my grandson!! LOL

I try to hold down the personal references, but I will try and identify better!
Thanks for the reminder that an important part of family is being together and not having to be perfect every minute of that time!
Sounds like a fun celebration!
Isn't family great! Nothing in the world like it, is there?

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