Friday, June 24, 2005

How would you spend $100,000?

There was an article in our local newspaper about 2 churches who had received donations of $100,000 each.

One church listed 5 projects they would spend the money on:
  1. State of the art playground
  2. completion of the parking lot
  3. A highly visible sign on the highway
  4. Beginning a benevolence fund
  5. begin an education building fund.

The spokesman for the church said that this would not have happened if it hadn't been obvious that God's work was being done here....


Those priorities seem a bit out of whack.....
Gotta agree with Jenni on this--
I would probably spend most of it on missions--and just give the rest to the needy.

Of course, in their defense I think it is harder to manage a church budget than you might think--I know enough about it to know it's a really hard job. The church we attend has all these things (I am an expert, so cannot say whether or not our playground is state of the art)--and they had to be paid for somehow.

I totally agree with JB, too. I served on our church budget committee this past year and it is tough stuff! But still....
Geez Louise, would Jesus do that with a 100 grand?
Geez Louise, would Jesus do that with a 100 grand?
Don't you know the importance of the play ground ministry???
Come on!!!
Yes, my church has one. They keep it loscked so no one can use it. Drives me nuts - $60,000 nuts. Can't we go to the parks we payed for with tax dollars and meet some people from the community from crying out loud?
I didn't offer commentary on the original post, but I am with you Fajita. If I was to be able to donate that kind of money I would hate to think that it was used for "stuff" for "our" enjoyment. I realize budgeting is hard, I used to prepare one for a bank, but we are in SOUL winning, SOUL saving business...THAT's ALL, NOTHING ELSE!!

Help us Lord!
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