Tuesday, June 07, 2005

June Birthdays

June is a month filled with birthdays for me. My Mom and both of my brothers have June birthdays. I mentioned my son-in-law’s birthday was Saturday. My x-sister in law, my cousin Debra, and somebody else has birthdays this month….oh yeah today is TERRI’s birthday. Ya’ll drop by her blog and wish her a happy one, she LOVES the attention!

In the growing up years, the only good thing about my November birthday was that I was older than most of my classmates. Even this was bittersweet. I had two cousins with September birthdays who were a year ahead of me in school; for being a measly 60 days older! That was awful! Then there were the birthday gifts. My brothers seemed to always get better presents. My dad worked in construction so the paychecks were always better in the summer and of course I always got the “Christmas is just around the corner” spill. Oh I am not complaining (at least not too much) I was not neglected by any stretch of the imagination. But one example of the disparity of gifts; both of my brothers got brand new red bicycles for their birthdays, not the same year of course there was around 6 years difference in their ages. I got a blue/rust one that cost $10.00. Rust was not the color, but the condition. My dad later painted it orange, not the rust, the blue. Oh well, I logged many a mile on that one-speed $10.00 bicycle. I don’t think I even realized that I got the used one until I was much older. After all I was mostly interested in transportation and it got me where I wanted to go. Don't worry I am not too warped by being the middle child, only girl, November birthday girl. I was always the smartest....HAH!

So I will celebrate with all of you June “babies”; I am grateful for each one of you in my life. Perhaps we should take one day a month and pay special tribute to all of our friends and loved ones born in the month. Happy Birthday June bugs!!

Well, at least you were born a month away from a holiday. I was born on Father's Day. Yep, that means I am one of those Junebugs too!

Incidently, I was told that my dad wanted to exchange me for a tie and a bottle of Old Spice.
Matthew's birthday is in November. It is my favorite month of the year! Fall is my favorite season and where we live, it doesn't look much like fall until November. What day is your b-day? Matthew's is the 18th. He and Mickey Mouse share the same b-day!
Thanks for the birthday wishes--I'm a "june bug" too, in fact, TODAY is my birthday! :)
November 19th, if you want to go ahead and mark your calenders!
I'm a Junebug too, so thanks for the good wishes. Actually, having a birthday during the summer sucked as a kid. You never got your name called out over the PA system, you never got to walk to the principal's office to get your pencil or whatever stupid gift they were giving out that year, you had to have one giant summer birthday celebration instead of bringing in cupcakes on the actual day...I could go on.
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