Tuesday, June 14, 2005

We Are Family

My brothers and sisters at Northside in Illinois are hurting. I have never met any of them. I did meet their friend Skip last year at Zoë, but he has moved to Texas. But their church family is going through a very trying time right now. I knew that this was weighing heavy on my heart. After telling five of them yesterday that I would be praying for them, God made sure that I did. I couldn’t sleep last night. Over and over these friends and the issue that they were facing kept running through my mind. Finally, I told God I no longer knew how to pray to please just let my spirit say the things that needed to be said.

I think the reason this weighs so heavy on me is because I can see how easily it could happen. There were times in the church I grew up in; there have been times in the church I now attend. There have been times when it could have been me, if most of you are honest, there are times when it could have been you! God gives us what we need to bear each cross we are asked to carry. But we must constantly be aware of Satan and that he will use the greatest blessings of God, our love for each other, and use it against us. We can’t just be “strong”. We must hold each other accountable!

I feel a special tie to you folks at Northside. I will continue to lift you up in prayer, but I can see that God is going to work through your love for each other. He will bring the healing that your family needs. I know that you will give him all the glory!

Thank you SO MUCH for your prayers! It is good to know that we are not alone in this struggle and that there are people everywhere caring for us and loving us. In the days and weeks and months ahead, the family here and the parties involved are going to get tired and angry and frustrated and it is at those times that we're going to REALLY need your prayers because we might not be strong enough to pray on our own. So be persistent and pray unceasingly! But also try to get some sleep. :-)

I don't know you, but I know that you are a Sister in Christ's family so I think I can safely say - I LOVE YOU!
Thank you Donna!! Blugs! Now, make sure you get some rest!
Donna, I echo everyone else--thanks for standing with us, and especially the two couples, in prayer. I look forward to meeting you at Zoe this year.--Jeff
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