Thursday, June 16, 2005

What is in the Way?

Last night I was reading The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard. Many of you have read this book and know how deep and rich it is. (for those of you who haven’t read it ..that means that he uses a lot of big words and deep, deep concepts!). This has not been a fast read for me, I find myself “chewing” on what he has to say for days sometimes before I am ready to pick up and go on.

The part I was reading last night was saying that there are two things that keep us from being able to grow in God.
  1. The pursuit of praise from men especially for some spiritual act
  2. Materialism. Especially trusting in anything on this earth for our comfort, protection or future.

This worried me. I appreciate compliments, comments and affirmation. I know that there is a difference in doing something just for the recognition and someone just saying they appreciate you. He went into detail talking about how not letting the left hand know what the right hand was doing was impossible if you “tried” to do it. If you ever think about how “not” to do something; that is all you can think about. So while I was tempted to turn the comment section of my blog off, just to see if that was the only reason I blogged, I realized that for me it is not the affirmation I am seeking, it is community. I enjoy this way of sharing ideals and getting to know people that I would otherwise never meet on this side of heaven.

As far as trusting in material things, I try not to…but I fail. I want to know that I have retirement money and my house paid for (someday!) I am sometimes better at this than at others. I don’t mind spending money on my children, my parents, my husband, myself and especially on my grandson. I like to be able to give money away. I like to be able to help people. But, could I sell everything I own and just follow Jesus? (I know he is not asking us too, but shouldn’t we be able to answer whether or not we would?) I have work to do here. I don’t want anything to stand in the way of my relationship with God.

So do you have any suggestions on how to accomplish this? What do you do to keep it all in perspective?

I'm blank, as far as suggestions and perspective go. I know Jesus didn't speak in front of multitudes for the sake of His own ego. I know He didn't leave the throne of heaven to take the form of a servant because He somehow wanted the Father to approve of Him more.

I like getting the affirmation from the comments on my blog - maybe too much. I like having lots of stuff - definitely too much.

I think of it as "Diotrephes Syndrome." I like to be first. It's why I have trouble singing "None of self and all of Thee."

But another reason I blog and comment is because I need to know that I'm not struggling alone, and others are struggling with the same challenges.

So, instead of tempting something by saying "great post!" let me simply say, "thank you."

It helps more than you can know.
It's so hard in our materialist culture to not get caught up in the things we have. But I think you have the right attitude. Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself--and it sounds like you're being a wise steward with it, blessing others with it. This is something I'm going to have to learn, so your post has encouraged me, too--giving it all away would be ideal, but can also be looked at as Aramaic exaggeration to make the point that we need to be giving of our selves, our time, and our possessions because of how much God loves us. I think it's impossible for human beings to not have some "feel good" benefit from giving--so it all depends on our heart attitude.
Have you, would you ever do something for someone in need and not "think about it" first?

If you did would you expect them to praise you or nominate you for an award?

I am thinking of the good Samaritan and Jesus asking who was the neighbor. Love covers a multitude of wrong, but everything else right minus love equals nothing.

My guess is that you have and would help without seeking reward.
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