Monday, July 11, 2005

Dale Wins... Dennis loses!

Praise God, the storm, Dennis the Menace, did weaken, did cause less damage than thought, missed us pretty much all together and testifies to the power of God. I truly believe he can stop or weaken a storm, I truly believe that he did!

Dale Jr. finally won a race in the #8 car. Unfortunately I was watching it in a 3 X 3 square as most of the TV coverage was on the storm. Imagine, more people caring about getting blown away than a race, I know it is hard to fathom! I was just grateful for the small screen, and the long awaited victory!

Have I mentioned lately that I love my church family? Every relationship, every friendship there is different and yet they are all centered in the love for our Savior. I love having time to spend with my brothers and sisters. I am extremely blessed, I pray that I return that blessing.

So glad to hear the storm weakened!
Surely you are NOT a NASCAR junkie?
Guess what.......I have never watched a race before and I watched the end of that one yesterday! :) I was pulling for the guy who finished second.

And NO......I will NOT get sucked into that scene. I think. :)

Checked in earlier today on my way out just to see if you were OK! So happy to see that you are! :)
Glad to hear that the storm wasn't too damaging for you all!
I don't think that I ever noticed that you were an Alabama girl. We've been praying for you -- inadvertenly. All of Angela's extended family is in Mobile so we watched storm coverage all weekend. Hope you guys dry out soon. (And we'll keep praying for you...on purpose this time.)
I am so thankful the storm mostly missed you for a lot of reasons--one of the more minor ones is if you lost electricity you might not be able to blog!
I live in the big city of Cullman, Alabama

We are about 50 miles north of Birmingham.
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