Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sleepy, Weepy

Thanks everyone for your comments and well wishes. I know that God can work this situation for good, I just have to be diligent to pray about it.

Normally the drive to Atlanta airport is about 2 ½ hours from here. At my husband’s request I was leaving plenty early to give myself some extra time. I did realize that I had forgotten to bring my book, so I stopped by Wal-Mart and bought a paper back (Kellerman's "Double Homicide") and a book on cd (The Rising) to keep me company (I am the queen of multi-tasking). Turns out the hubby was wise as the 2 ½ hour drive took closer to 3 ½ hours due to heavy rains and slow traffic. I even finished the book on tape. I arrived in Atlanta with only about 30 minutes to spare and I was getting antsy. As I found the correct baggage claim area and checked the flight arrival time it was 2 ½ hours later than what the original flight plan called for. That was bad, but at least I had brought a book. When it got close to time for them to be half way I went back to check the board again only to find the flight had been delayed again and still had not left the ground in Philadelphia. OK at this point I am starting to feel like Tom Hanks in Terminal. I break into the bag of Hershey’s Nuggets I had bought at Wal-Mart to share with the kids. I am sure people are starting to recognize me. I got some pizza! I wasn’t that hungry but I was tired of sitting still. Later still I tried some Espresso; it was pretty good but leaves a horrible taste in my mouth, so I have to seek out a Diet Coke. Sixteen chapters, five hours, and 2000 calories later their flight finally arrives. As tired as I am I know that they are exhausted. They left Venice roughly 29 hours earlier. I had to think of JettyBetty and her love for flying…because at this point I was not loving being stuck in this airport.

But I delivered them safely to my Mom & Dad’s house around 2:00 a.m. Yes, I am working today; no I am not very alert! I told one customer she could not hold me to anything I said today!

It was fun talking with my brother all the way home. It was great to see all of them. I had to fight off waves of weepy-ness, I am pretty sure most of that was just fatigue. But I was struck with the sadness of families having to live apart for extended periods of time. I am trying to look at all of this in a positive way, but today I am too tired! Maybe I should shut up before I type something I have to retract. See ya’ll later!

That sounds pretty trying!
I *prefer* planes to be on time--but some times they just aren't--you did all the right stuff while you were waiting.
Most of the time, it really doesn't bother me--for some reason I like airports--and the smell of jet fuel!
I am totally wierd!

Glad you got your brother home--I pray all works out!

And I forgot to wish you all a happy visit!
Glad they arrived safely. I haven't had much experience in airports. One of my first major flights was to Denver. September 7th, 2001. Yep. I was trying to get back to home on September 13th and wondering when the next plane would fly into a building...and would it be mine?
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