Thursday, July 28, 2005


I have always been fascinated with “space”. I loved Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica and even Lost in Space and the Jetsons. I saw all of the Star Wars movies, the Star Trek movies and even suffered through 2001 A Space Odyssey. While the Alien movies were not my favorite (I don’t like knowing I am going to be scared!). I have seen all of them, more than once. So I was understandably upset when the announcement came that the space shuttle fleet had been grounded.

We were probably one of the few families watching the Columbia descent live, even before there was a problem. Actually my interest pales in comparison to my husband’s interest. He has actually been involved in working on parts that went on the space shuttle. (No not the defective ones!). I remember exactly where I was when I first heard of the tragedy with the Challenger. A few years ago we were watching an I-Max movie at the Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville. It was on the history of the space shuttle. One little boy behind us asked his dad “when is it going to blow up?” That kind of sums up our attitudes don’t it? When something goes “wrong” it eclipses all of the things that have gone “right”.

I don’t know what the future of the space program will be. But I for one hope it continues. Yes I know that in the scheme of life, it is not that important, but I don’t think God would enable us with knowledge and the yearning to explore if there was not benefit for us in that exploration.

Anyway, I have always wanted and still don't have my own “transporter room”(Star Trek), my own robot and instant food (The Jetsons) and a flying car (Star Wars). We need more exploration!!

All I want is one of Cogswell's Cogs. :)
I hope I never get a light saber. I am afraid of what havoc I could wreak!
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