Wednesday, August 10, 2005


I feel somewhat like a small boat without a rudder in the middle of a storm. It is not that I am not moving, I am in perpetual motion, but where am I going? What direction is my life taking? Have I set a course, or am I being tossed about with every change in the wind?

I know about anchors, and I feel like my faith is a solid anchor. So from whence does this uneasiness come (don’t you love to speak in King James-eese.)? I think it goes back to purpose. I read about it, I study about it, I talk about it, but have I defined it in my life? I don’t think so. Or maybe I have, but just don’t feel that I am “living” it. What is it going to take to get me on track?

Any suggestions?

I guess I don't have an explicit strategy for this, but what I seem to be doing in my life is to follow Galatians 6:9-10:

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers."

Even though your post is more general than that, I think this fits because all we do is done for Him. A lot of the time I just keep pushing, often making sense of what God's purpose has been after I've been through it.

I also find I'm becoming more aware of God's hand in little things each day.

Either way, we became more sensitive to His voice and more patient with the fact that we don't always feel "directed" or guided in particular ways.

Frustrating, I know. . . .
I hate that feeling. Sometimes we just have to be, wait and see and ust live. I find surrendering to it to be much more effective than fighting it.
I'm glad I'm not alone in this boat.
Thanks guys for the encouraging words. George you are right about service...Terri, you know me too well! LL and KB, it is good to know others are in this boat from time to time. And Dee you sum it all up so nicely. God is in control and will guide me if I surrender to that control.

Thanks again. I truly appreciate the encouragement you all give..some days it is the food I live for.
Who was that said, "It's the vision thing." Or as Stephen Covey says, "Begin with the end in mind."
I think the rush of life leaves us empty. There's just so much information, so much to do, so many people ... it builds up and instead of making us feel fulfilled it empties us and leaves us feeling spiritually parched. Jesus is the living water we need ... then we can focus on something else. We cannot minister to others out of emptiness.
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