Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I had a lot of fun playing tennis last night. I realized that sometimes I play and don’t have fun…what is up with that?? My resolve for this month is: If you are going to play- HAVE FUN!!

Today things are good. I am enjoying tennis, my spin instructor is back (yay!), we have a new target (interval training) instructor who worked our butts off, but was fun. Work has been a little more relaxed (well at least as far as inner-office turmoil). July was my best (income wise) month of this year. DH is getting to play some golf (though not enough) so he is more patient with my tennis playing. The kids are doing great. My daughter is still trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, but her attitude is better about it all.

While I sit here and count my blessings, I wonder why others are going through such tough times. I feel guilty that things are so good for me right now while there are many who are close to me that are struggling, I mean really struggling. I lift them up in prayer and try to be the kind of friend who is really there for them. But I am sure I fail at doing all that I should do. I know that like Job, I could be without any of the blessings in my life in the blink of an eye. I pray that I would still trust God and draw even closer to his love. I also pray that I am not so self-absorbed in doing the things that I love to do that I neglect the more important things.

Dear Lord, I know that your ways are not my ways and often times I confess that I don’t understand your ways. I love you and trust you and I know that you see so many things that I can never see or even fathom. Help me to be your hands, your heart to those who are hurting. Humble my heart that while I praise you for the blessings you have showered into my life I am also aware of those who are struggling. Give me the courage and the willingness to do the right thing. Please ease the cloud of trials that MFC is going through right now. You know of whom I speak. Thank you for your love and your grace and your mercy. In Jesus I pray, Amen.

You have a great attitude--I know we are blessed--and I don't ever want to forget to factor the blessings in--you are willing to be used--and I know God will honor that!

Where is the guilt coming from? Ask the Church Lady! :)
Wow, you have such a beautiful heart!
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