Monday, August 29, 2005

Playing UP

I had a wonderful weekend. I got to keep sweet Matthew on his 13 month birthday (can you quit counting months now?). I got to play tennis with my son Friday, with a new group Saturday, and with our new team on Sunday. Church was encouraging and uplifting and somewhat exhausting with Matthew “wallowing” all over me, but that is the best part, right? I do love my ladies group; they are the supports that keep me held up when I might otherwise fall.

I am very concerned for my neighbors to the south; Katrina seems to be unaware of Southern hospitality and is coming in very rudely. I pray that God will weaken her and that people have left danger areas. My prayers are with you. I am extremely concerned about JD, but I feel sure he got out of town.

Saturday, as I said, I played tennis with a different group of ladies. I knew they were all much better players than I was so I was playing with a great deal of intensity. I was holding my racquet so tightly that I rubbed a blister on my finger. The thing is, I realized by the end of the day that I could see areas that I was improving in. It’s like that in all that we do. If we associate with people who are better than us it brings us up to their level. Oh, I know that we have to guard against the converse, and it probably was not as much fun for them to play with someone who was not as skilled; but they all took them time and effort to give me some pointers to help me.
Often I find myself playing poorly against a less capable opponent.

We must be careful who we spend our time with. If we are with someone more spiritual is lifts us up, it helps our walk. If we are with someone who may not be as mature as us, but they are trying, it gives us a great opportunity to be an encourager, and maybe even to give some pointers. I sometimes let the weakness of others discourage me and miss an opportunity to teach and encourage. Of course there are some people who do not share our faith and make light of our precious Savior. I think we must keep our distance from people who would make us weaker by belittling our faith.

And just to stick with the tennis analogy, sometimes you are going to associate with people who think they have the only way and have no respect or mercy for anyone who does it any differently. I think of these people in the same way as the tennis “guru’s “ who think they know all the proper techniques, but still find themselves getting beat by a player who hits a lot of “junk” balls. It’s all about heart; we must keep ours open to the needs of others and never let it become hardened against the many people that our Savoir died for.

Been praying for you and yours - hope you stay safe!! Blugs!
got word today JD went to the Delta.
Good to hear that JD went north. I was just about to e-mail you and ask if you have heard. I know that Dee is concerned about Tom and the rest of her family.

That's a cute little boy!
Matthew looks so cute and he's getting hair!
On the note of months counting -- I still sometimes do that with Sam and he is closing in on 3 years old (33 months). Your family is precious.
You go and post about your grandson again--suppose it's time for me to take another trip???

(Really, he is sooo cute! I love his hair, too!)

Great post, Donna!

Hey, it's ROLL TIDE time isn't it? :)

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