Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Comfort Zone

Comfort zone, something to get out of, or something to try and stay in? Many times I would argue that it was something to get out of! How else can you stretch yourself? How can you see what you can become if you always just stay comfortable? And I don’t really back down from this, but….

Last night I found myself with a group of people with whom I was not comfortable. It seems I am at a place in my life where most of my aquaintences and especially my friends are striving to live a Christian life. When I am in close proximity for an extended time with people who obviously are not striving for this, I am uncomfortable. Oh its not overt, just patterns of speech, free flying expletives, talk of revenge and retribution. There is also the undeniable attitude that winning is everything. People, feelings, doing right, not so important. This is not a direction I wish to stretch myself in. This is a zone I will try and stay out of.

Yesterday was a bit of a stressful day. I just had an anxious feeling all day. I am not sure what perpetuated the feeling, but it grew stronger as the day went on. During a time of reflection and prayer yesterday afternoon, I realized that I felt distant from God. I know that he is there and that he loves me, and I haven’t quit talking to him, I just felt distant. When I arrived home from my “uncomfortable zone” I started doing some reading. Sometimes I pick up a book and just look at the chapters and see what peaks my interest. Last night I found the title “The Roundabout God” in one of John Ortberg’s books. My interest was piqued. As I started reading I was again amazed at how God talks to me. The chapter was about how God took the children of Isreal the “round-about” way through the wilderness to reach the promised land. He talked of how God often lets us spend time in the wilderness where we will be ready for the next “big thing”. I can’t relate all of the things I read, but it spoke to me. I realized I am in the wilderness and I was able to pray with this in mind. It is sweet when God speaks and I take time to listen.

I envy (!?) your recognition of your position in relation to God. It takes me a lot of soul searching and usually a good swift thwack in the head from Him for me to realize that I've drifted a bit.
I left a good job once because the words and lifestyle of the people around me was having a negative effect on my personal and spiritual life. If I had been a super-Christian I might have been able to stand it --- but I am not. I think Paul and James warn us that we have to be careful in our exchanges with those outside the church; never avoiding them or refusing to serve and love them, but, perhaps, not yoking ourselves into their activities and playtime. In each case the finding of that balance point is between a child and their Heavenly Father and can only be reached by what you did: study, reading, and prayer. God bless you.I know He is pleased with you.
wow Donna, Patrick Mead is commenting on your blog! Will you still talk to the rest of us?

The spirit led Jesus to the wilderness as well. Hope ALL is going well.
I will try to fit you in my Comfort Zone! Thanks for ALL of your well wishes!
Reminds me of the promises God gave Joseph and the 17 years he had to wait for them to come to fruition. Good post (although I don't necessarily watch my language, I find that the people I often spend time with are striving to do good regardless of religious affiliation which is encouraging overall, I think).
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