Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hay, Hay, Hay

I don’t remember Wal Mart selling bales of hay in past years, did they? How does the sense of smell have so much power? Suddenly you are transported to another place and time by something as simple as the sweet smell of hay. One of my best friends growing up was also my 1st cousin. We fancied ourselves to be little helpers of her dad. Truth was we were probably in the way a lot, but he was kind enough to not keep that to himself. We helped when he had to haul in hay. I think we were more infatuated with the cute boys that worked for him, but still we helped.

In addition we had a “crib” that we used to play house in. Half of it was full of hay, but the other half was our make believe paradise. We had some old dishes and pots and pans and we would play for hours. We had a very clear concept of make believe that astounds me to this day.

The hay-loft in my Papa’s barn was also a refuge for the cousins from the ever watchful eyes of the aunt and uncles. We spent many a family reunion slipping off to the barn. Hay lofts were meant for secrets, for fun and excitement. There was also the ever present dare to jump out of the hay-loft. I think this was the main event at my Uncle J.C.'s.

Then there was hay-rides of my teenage years….what were these except excuses to snuggle up close to somebody! Parents, be sure these ventures are well chaperoned, just in case you have forgotten.

Hay rides, bon-fires, make believe, hauling in hay, hanging out in hay lofts, jumping out of hay lofts, memories, blasts from the past. All brought to the fore-front of my mind, just by smelling a bale of hay. Thanks Wal-Mart!

**If you are one of the folks who pay attention to dates and times, I will be out tomorrow so I postdated my post....clever huh?**

The wonders of technology! Hope you had a great Wed!

I think it is so wonderful that sights, smells, tunes, words bring back precious memories!

Your words brought back a few for me!!

Hauling hay is, to me, the most physically exhausting job on the face of the earth. My brother and I used to make 40 cents a bale ~ UGH! My arms and back hurt just thinking about it... but that smell really does take me back.

Good stuff DJG!
40 cents a bale!!! wow Mae was getting rich! Either that or we were all stupid. I am trying to remember what we got paid. I do remember that I would always gladly give back the money from day one if I didn't have to go day two. You couldn't breath, your sinus' pounded. Your head hurt. and physically you were whipped. Oh for the job of driving or even being on the trailer stacking. But I was allways a chunker.

Yeah, Hay brings back memories. And Donna, give the kids a break on the hay rides, I swear I never did anything on those.
It is amazing how the sense of smell brings you back, isn't it? I have recently been drinking Chai Latte's from Starbuck that have a strong taste and smell of nutmeg. It makes me think of Christmas! Anything that can make me think of Christmas when it is 108 degrees (yes, that is literally how hot it was here on Monday) outside makes me happy!
Definitely gives you the warm and fuzzies. Hay rides and barns have a romanticism (in the fuller sense) to them, don't they?
by the way Donna, I have quit visiting. I feel like I have crashed the tueday morning, ladies bible class. Are there any other guys out there?
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