Friday, September 23, 2005


This morning there are a few clouds in the sky. They are a great reflector of a sun that has not fully arisen, a promise of the splendor of another day. The dark pink strokes across a navy blue sky remind me that God is in control. I can’t believe that our coast is about to experience another monster storm in such a short period of time, but it is coming. I pray that it will weaken and that all will be spared the wrath of Rita.

Today is the preliminary hearing for the boys who are charged with murdering Scotty. Derek & Mary are going to attend the hearing. Please pray for them as this will be such an emotional day. There are days that you can almost forget it happened. It is strange how this causes you guilt. It is a testimony to how life goes on and a lesson in why we should not be so concerned about building a life on this earth. When we are gone, we are soon forgotten. Our souls thirst for more; we should be building our lives with eternity in mind.

This morning I was reminded of how important it is to be a good follower. During spin class I sat by a girl who had tried to teach the class in the early summer. I think I may have ranted about her teaching style at the time. Well this morning sitting on the front row, she decided to do her own thing. This is not a big deal if you are just sitting and riding quietly or just going slower or faster than the instructor, but she was doing some major body gyrations that were quite distracting (to put it mildly). It reminded me that there is a time and place to “do your own thing” and a time and place to follow the leader. I know I am sometimes guilty of dancing to the beat of my own drummer, but I pray that I do not distract from my leaders and act in such a way that I draw attention to myself. Perhaps I was privileged to sit beside this person just to be reminded of this little lesson.

Good reminder about how our actions, good and bad, affect not only us but those around us as well.

I'll be praying about the hearing today and for your and Scotty's family's healing.
Well the case has been carried over to the Grand Jury. One of the boys is saying the other one did it all. So I guess that means we have an eye-witness!
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