Sunday, October 16, 2005

The "Real" me- expanded

Many of you said you read my blog because I am real...

I wonder, if you knew the real, "real me" would you still like me?

The "real me" can't iron collars, so I ask my husband to iron them for me. (My Mom laughed a little too hard when I told this on myself at lunch!!)

The "real me" will set up to 11:30 to see the end of the race, even when both my favorite guys are out (mostly hoping to see the guy I don't like wreck! drats he finished 2nd!)

The "real me" can work out 5 days a week but still eat a 14 ounce rib-eye at Outback with little or no guilt!

The "real me" lets that little word "sh*t" flow out my mouth a little too easily.

The "real me" will pay someone to clean my house where I can play tennis without (as much) guilt.

The "real me" wonders sometimes who came up with the way we do church.

The "real me" is terrified of how my life is about to change...(selfish? I think so!)

The "real me" sometimes wishes the "other team" would lose, even when I try to be "for" them.

The "real me" tries to control my thoughts and yet so often I fail. I think of and about things that cause me to take two steps back in my spiritual walk.

BUT.....the "real me" also enjoys a beautiful moonlit night, even when all I do is watch the race and football...AND a beautiful crisp Sunday afternoon with the bluest skies you could ever see, yep, the real me is very often at peace in my own skin.

Yes! The real you sounds positively wonderful. I like "real" people. It's those who seem "practically perfect" who drive me crazy.
Yep - I still like you.....
There is no reason to hide the real you from your real friends! They will love you for who you are, not who your aren't, or what they thought you were.
at the concert the "motivational speaker" (boy I could say a lot about that) said, "The world doesn't care that you sin, they care that you act like you don't".

Thanks for the peak behind the mask.
I've known you waay too long not to like the real you. Besides you know the real me and like me anyway. That is a comforting thought.
The real you really doesn't sound bad at all (unless I'm just making excuses for myself).
you say sh*t?????

never met you, but that's kind of a funny thing to think about. I have my choice ones as well... Just be glad you only have one. *lol*
Hey, the real me says that word, too...and some others. But then my blog buddies get on there and tell me that using that word might offend people and turn them off from what I'm trying to share.

What do you think...what if people came and saw a little of their real selves in my real self writing using the real words?

Sorry to hone in on that one confession, but like Brian says, it's funny to think about.
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