Friday, October 28, 2005

What to read---Who reads me

I wonder how I got to be as old as I am, raised in “the” church and never read anything by C.S. Lewis? I wonder why I was not encourage to read books that would strengthen and even cause me to question my faith. I wonder why until recent years I had never heard of Dallas Willard? To bum off of Fajita’s theme for a moment; is it because I am a girl? Was spiritual books recommended for boys and not girls? Perhaps it is just because I did not attend a Christian college. I don’t know exactly why it has taken me so long, but I am glad I have found these authors. I am glad that I have been able to stretch my mind and learn that it is normal and healthy to question, to seek and to even sometimes doubt. I am currently listening to Mere Christianity on CD. I am truly enjoying it. The down side is that I want to remember something and can’t “hi-light” it. Don’t be surprised if I blog about this book soon. He makes things so clear to me with his use of analogies, and you all know that I am “all over” a good analogy!


On a completely different subject, David and I are talking about fixing one of our old computers for my Mom for Christmas and getting her an Internet account. She would then be able to e-mail both of my brothers and have access to my blog! Now most of the time what I write is harmless and I would have no problem with my Mom reading it, but sometimes I know she would disapprove of what I am saying. I have already censored several of entries when I realized people I knew were reading. But I know several of you have said your mother’s have come to know you better through reading your blog. I am sure my Mom would know me better, I am just not sure if she would still like me!!

I realize of course that I can’t just pay lip-service to the concept of being “real”. I can’t have a different personality based on the people I am with (although I have done a pretty good job of this in the past). So…..I am going out on a limb here. I don’t care if my Mom or anybody else reads what I think. I am going to be the real Donna to the extent that I CAN open myself up. After all, if you don’t like it, don’t read it.

My mom has learned about me through my blog--I find it a very fine line between being real and saying things that might hurt her. So far, I would say it's been a very good experience--I get a bit bolder all the time--so we will see how that works out!
Go for it!

Man, miss a day or two and you enter 50 posts... things slow at work or what?

It is sad, but I would guess the reason we didn't know of these authors was that they were never referenced. They were outside our tribe and therefore: lost, wrong, not to be trusted.
The reason that we weren't 'allowed' to read such things is because the authors were not from 'the' church and they spoke of things we were not allowed to ask questions about.
I like the *real* Donna just fine! Keep up the great, insightful posts.

Meanwhile, with all this "Narnia" talk lately, I must admit that if I have read C.S. Lewis, I have forgotten it, and I attended a Christian university. (But I didn't pay as much attention as I probably should have.)
I know why you never read C. S. Lewis - he wasn't a real Christian - duh! (smirk) Of course, writers from The Church have rarely offered much that was inventive. So, I am not sure that it was "gender thing" so much as a we're-gazing-into-our-navals-and there-aren't-any-books-there thing.

I'm in the middle of Mere Christianity as well. I'm sure I'll be vocal on your blog posts about it.
Maybe its a generational thing, because my youth minister had me read Mere Christianity - it was a bit dense for me at the time though. I totally agree with you about blogging and parents. It's hard to know when to open up or when to keep quiet or when not to care.
If your Mother is like my dad, be prepared to be 24 hour tech support for the next 3 months. I eventually had to ask myself, "Did I really talk my Dad into getting a computer?" Hopefully your Mom will know how to turn it on which is one step more than my Dad knew.
Heya Donna. I like to read what you write, but I haven't been reading blogs lately ... just writing my little entries and going to bed. Tonight I had a little while and instead of working on my sermon for tomorrow I read some blogs. lol My son thinks C. S. Lewis is awesome, and he just turned 16.

Thanks for all you have done for us ... you will never know what this all means to us.
Why blog once caused a bit of family strife so I do censor what I write, but that is OK. My Mom occasionally reads my blog but seldom ever says anyhting about it.
I think part of why I knew who C.S. Lewis was is due to the fact my dad had his books on his book shelf and my uncle gave me the Chronicles of Narnia as a Christmas gift when I was 15. I think it has more to do with what our parents were exposed to, what our churches tolerated interms of "outsiders" and what our interactions were with "outsiders".

I am looking forward to taking my daughter on a date to see the Lion, Witch & Wardrobe when it comes out.

I would encourage you to don't change what you post, vow to be more real in person with your mom. My mom and I have had several discussions based on my post. I know every relationship is different and you know your the expert on your mom so use your judgement.
Sounds like we're in similar places. I just found you today through another blog, and this entry really resonates with me!

Enjoy Mere Christianity - I've heard it is great but have not read it yet.
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