Thursday, November 03, 2005

Domestic Diva??

I got a coupon in the mail for a discount on Good Housekeeping magazine. As I sat and looked at it last night I was thinking “some day I will enjoy a magazine like this”. Then it hit me….No I won’t! No matter how much I want to think that I will some day be the crafty, decorating, cooking, sewing and general domestic diva that I dreamed I would be, it probably is not going to happen. In a sense it was liberating to just let that go. Sure it would be nice to be the Mimi that the grandkids love to come to her house and eat, but it might be cool to have the Mimi who will grab a pizza and take you to the park too.

Terri spoke yesterday of readjusting dreams and plans to accept this reality of our lives. I think accepting ourselves where we are, with the strengths and weaknesses we have been given will liberate many of us from our own unrealistic goals and expectations. I am not suggesting that we quit growing and setting goals, I just think we need to revisit the purpose behind them from time to time. I mean really, why would I want to be the same kind of grandmother that my mom is? Don’t get me wrong, she is great; but she is not ME!

Perhaps the most important thing we can do in life is to be the best at being ourselves. Forgetting all the expectations of others and embracing the life we have been given in Christ. The most glorious thought of all is that it will continue beyond the boundaries of this earth. I am just praying I won’t be expected to fix that perfect casserole on the other side…..

You know...I think no matter what we'll try to fix on the other side, no matter what ingredients we throw in, no matter how long it's in the oven, no matter what recipe we try to follow - He will make it perfect! (And anyway, I think the heavenly feast will be catered, not a potluck...)

you know, I was raised being told, you can be anything you set your mind to be. That is true in one sense, but you end up pretending. The best we can be is being what we were meant to be. That is specific not whatever. We can't all be the same thing. To me that is a very freeing thought.
Some of us are Mary's and some of us are Martha's ... My Martha side is the more "dominant, Southern Living reading, casserole cooking, nusery watching, woman who makes the meal while others visit" kind of person. On rare occasions I can be a Mary, one who likes to sit at the feet of great thinkers and teachers, think big thoughts, read, not bother with the house. The Martha in me usually wins out. I think you must be more of a Mary. Jesus loved them both....but he seemed to favor Mary. Still think it was becasue Martha was nagging. I always imagined he would have taken up for Martha if Mary had moaned about her not coming to sit and listen.
It is incredibly freeing to decide to be the person God made us to be. No pretentions, no games. Who cares what everyone else thinks. God made me this way and I am going to live it and play the card he dealt me.

I was married for 23.5 years to someone who kept trying to make me into someone she fantasized about in her childhood, the perfect husband. She finally gave up trying. Superman I am not. I am just me.
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