Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Just Do It!

In the attempt to try and keep the pleasure in my habits, I resolved on the way to play tennis last night that I was going to have fun and play hard! It is easy to slip into the tentative mode for me and just play trying not to get beat. But if I am going to spend my time doing something, I want to enjoy it fully. So, with this in mind, I went out and kicked a little “booty”. Our team beat the formerly unbeaten #1 team, and it was a lot of fun.

However, as in most things, choices made that involve enjoying one thing come at the expense of something else. Namely, time spent at home with my husband. When I arrived home at 10:30 he was not as excited about my win as I was. He is very patient with me, but at times cannot help but show his displeasure with my extra-curricular activities. (is that even right when you are not talking about school?) So, a taste of guilt clouded my otherwise enjoyable night of tennis. I will just leave Friday and Saturday free to focus totally on him.

My nugget today from The Screwtape Letters is to “just do it”. Wormwood is encouraged to keep his humans thinking and even writing about all of the good ideals they have and the works they ponder doing. The bottom line in being a successful “demon” is just to keep your human from actually “doing” anything. I just turned the CD player off at that point. Man, I can write up a storm! But what am I DOING!! My personal “demon” has had it pretty easy. I am resolving today to make his job a lot tougher; I am going to strap on my Nike’s and “Just Do It!” How about you!!

maybe it's time for me to pick up the Screwtape Letters.
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