Friday, November 25, 2005

Today's Thoughts

Whenever two people meet there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each as the other person sees him, and each man as he really is.

William James

You called me a big fat turkey. I resemble that remark. So all this time I thought I was Sybil Jr., you just made me feel that way. Me Myself and I.
I knew it was getting crowded in here.:)
I never said fat.....
great post! How true!

be nice to me, I'm good people.

Oh your right you didn't say fat, I just feel that way. Turkey for lunch and dinner again today and another long nap....
Ah, but what if both people who meet are suffering from multiple personality syndrome? That throws a kink into the math!
I've been out of blogland, but am so glad to read about your trip to Mississippi.

That is cool to just up and go without having met your blog buddies personally.

LOL at today's post and {comments}. So how many personalities do you possess, Keith?
Your post reminded me of something I learned along time ago in school. When you get a chance, google Johari Window. It is about self awareness in communication.
Which one of us are you talking to, Amy?
The one of you whose blog never opens for me on my computer. I've tried to read you, but for some reason it always shuts my computer down! What's up with that?
You'll have to talk to nerd-Keith about that.

I'd tell him myself, but we're not speaking.
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