Monday, December 19, 2005

Did I hear you right?

Today we went back to the Doctor. All of the babies are doing great. Female Baby C threw her arms up over her face when the sonographer tried to get a shot of her face. I guess she is going to be shy like her Mi-Mi {ha}. The Doctor did fuss at Diana a little because she has not gained enough weight. I tried to get her to average in what I had gained, but somehow it just doesn’t count.

I love spending time with my daughter. For one thing she thinks I am funny and I love a good audience. But she also cracks me up. Today I was telling her how my Mom had said that their waterbed mattress had sprang another leak and in her words had “shot it’s wad”. I told Diana that I was pretty sure my Mom didn’t know what that saying actually meant, or she would never use it. Of course then I had to explain to her what it meant! She then told me that she had not heard the expression “moo point” till she heard it on Joey. I said “really, what does it mean?” She said “It is just what a cow thinks so it is not important.” I hate that my daughter is learning euphemisms from Joey and thinking they are correct! Although when she was much younger she figured out all by herself that the girls that think they are better than anybody else are “goody tissues”. Yep, that girl cracks me up!

Well Donna.. Your mother and a water bed should be a laugh in itself, but that wad comment almost had coffee all over my keyboard.
I thought it had to do with a person who forgot to put a bullet in his musket so he shot his wad instead of the bullet.

On another story, my brother and I would try to make my Mom laugh so hard she would wet her pants. She had since had an operation it makes it much more difficult (but we still like to try).
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