Tuesday, December 27, 2005


I know many of you are off work until after the first of the year. Without sounding like a workaholic….what do you do? Do you clean out closets and find places to put stuff? Do you shop at clearance sales? Do you just enjoy your children? I know I need to get busy with some projects at home, but I didn’t want to work over the weekend. Maybe if I had more time off I would be inclined to get started. As it is, I was ready to get back to work, well at least back in the routine of getting up early, working out, reading blogs…you know, work!

Two years ago today my daughter got married. Boy is her life about to change as she is anticipating the “full house”. I try not to tell her that life as she now knows it is over, but whew! I know that it is so!

I think I have told you before I never really got the whole “empty nest” thing. But perhaps not having children at home is what makes it seem like I am without anything to do. I’ve have always tried hard not to “wish my life away” waiting for the next season, holiday, weekend, payday or whatever. But I can honestly say I am looking forward to tennis season.{big surprise, huh?} But, I don’t have to wait long, weather permitting I will be on the courts tomorrow! The good thing about getting physical exercise is that the body craves it when it does not get enough.

I wonder if the same could be said for spiritual exercise. When we get in the habit of stretching ourselves and challenging our thinking and the ways that we can worship our God, do we then crave it all the more? Do we sometimes let ourselves get lazy and just do enough to get by? Do we wonder why we never really “feel good” and all the time we are neglecting ourselves. Perhaps we spend all of our time “eating right” {or so we think} and what we really need is to “exercise” our faith.

I didn’t start writing this post with these thoughts, but I am glad I ended with them. I need the reminder. How about you, are you getting enough exercise?

I am off all week--and I will spend time just enjoying the kids and PH (who is off, too!). We watch movies and stay up really, really late--trying to cram all kinds of memories in!

Yes, I do think our spiritual bodies crave exercise just like our physical bodies do! Both can be HARD disciplines for me!

Happy anniversary to your daughter!
I usually do those projects at home that I never have time to do.....and sleep in and hang out with friends and go see movies......

And, no, not getting enough exercise - neither physical or spiritual. But working on both.
I did some shopping, some cleaning, some organizing, some praying and some listening. Happy new year.
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