Sunday, December 18, 2005
Fourth Day of Anticipation (C-7)
There are so many joys found in the Lord. There are ways we "serve" and never know we are doing anything but having a good time. Yesterday my son and daughter-in-law wanted to finish Christmas shopping. We "sacrificed" by keeping our grandson until the afternoon. He is so precious and right now he thinks his Mi-Mi hung the moon. I would appreciate it if we could let him keep those thoughts as long as possible.
After we relinquished our prize we did some shopping of our own. David and I had a wonderful time together, shopping, talking, planning and of course eating! It is fun to buy for your children and sheer joy to buy for your children's children.
All family matters are not quite so joyful at this season. David's mother is struggling with health issues. She has severely diseased blood veins and while she needed a stint in her heart it was too dangerous to do the procedure. We took Matthew to see her, I think it brightened her day. Please say a prayer for her.
As we enjoy our families (and PLEASE enjoy your family) it is hard to fathom that our Father would bring his son into this earth to prepare to die for us. It is even harder to believe that we can be totally ungrateful and even unconcerned with this great love. Will you show the love of the Father to your family today?
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